Discussion: Clippers Feel For Sterling's Wife

Discussion for article #222206

She’s no angel either.

EDIT: Hey TPM. There was an NBC poll released showing higher poll numbers for Obama (but of course they issued the caveat of how it’s still not good, “still difficult terrain” etc) http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2014/04/30/obama-nbc-wall-street-journal-poll-approval-ratings-abc-washington-post/8502175/

Just thought you should know so you can trumpet that like you did the other one.


What a bunch of bull. I was totally gobsmacked to learn yesterday from one of the commenters here, that she’s been with this d-bag for 50 years. In addition, she has a history of trying to sue Stirling’s girlfriends out of the gifts (homes) he’s given them. Gah!

This ain’t her first rodeo; won’t be the last. She’s probably just shocked that it all blew up as fast and furious as it did.

you mad 'bro? And you know “she’s no angel either” how?

And let’s not forget TPM, where’s the followup on the Paul Simon marriage brawl.

Hey TD - one more thing:

Gross domestic product expanded at a 0.1 percent annual rate,
Economists polled by Reuters had expected growth to slow to a 1.2 percent rate.

They feel sorry for her??? WTF
THIS from the thread running just above this one:

[During a 2009 deposition, a tenant in one of the Sterling’s apartment buildings accused Rochelle Sterling of once calling him a “black m—f—” during a discussion.

“I asked her again, I asked her, ‘would you reduce the rent?’” Darrell Rhodes said in the deposition, according to the Times. “And she said, ‘who do you think you are, you black m—f—.’"

Rhodes sued the Sterlings in federal court in 2007, accusing the couple of discriminatory behavior. His case was ultimately part of a $2.765 million settlement reached in 2009 between the Sterlings, the Justice Department, and other Sterling tenants, according to the Times. As part of the deal, the Sterlings did not admit any wrongdoing.

In a separate deposition in 2009, an on-site manager who worked at one of the Sterlings’ buildings described a time that Rochelle Sterling visited the building.

“She said, ‘Oh, my God. This is so filthy. I can’t remodel my apartments the way that I want because Latinos are so filthy," manager Maira Oliva said, according to the Times.

"Did she say those exact words, ‘Latinos are so filthy’?” an attorney asked Oliva.

“I can’t remodel my building the way I want and that the building was filthy because of the Latinos," Oliva replied. ]

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She’s fortunate that I wasn’t in charge of making the decision as to whether to allow her to attend the game or not! I’m not as charitable as Doc Rivers and the Clippers team members The way I see it, it if you lie down with dogs, you’ll surely catch some fleas.

Nope, ClarenceVine/Darcy, not mad, just realistic. She’s on record saying racist things. Look it up.
You seem awful defensive about the Sterlings and their racism. Seems like you’re the one that’s mad — that they were caught. “Bro”.
Birds of a feather, I guess…

Ssshhhh. Don’t tell Darcy. He’ll accuse you of being mad.