Discussion: Clinton's Lead Over Trump Shrinks Again In Weekly Tracking Poll

He does? Where do you find that prediction?

Precisely. And thatā€™s just with liberals.


a 3 or 4 point lead is significant in a presidential race. Remember, Obama beat Romney by only 3.9% of the popular vote. ā€œThatā€™s a wider margin than George W. Bush won by in 2004 (51-48), when pundits on the right like Charles Krauthammer declared that he had earned a mandate.ā€


I cannot remember when the two main parties thrust 2 more undesirable candidates on the American voter.

Most voters will vote against Clinton or Trump, not for Clinton or Trump.

Gary Johnson looks like a more attractive alternative every day.

So, are you saying a 2-point move within a single poll some meaningful shrink, TPM? (rolling eyes).

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We need to resist reacting to every poll. They have now become a business and their standards vary as do their reliability. HRC needs to get her message clear (and this message should take in the things that they have incorporated a la Bernie). Let us wait for Sanders to get going: that will be a plus. The Doom and Gloom mob will repeat anything negative and we can rely of Chucky, the FoxMob, NoSEE ā€¦NN and assorted gasbags to be even-handed. If they praise Clinton then they MUST praise the DimWit. If they criticize Clinton they will not necessarily slam Brumf. That is what passes for even handedness in the Corridor. I watched PBS a few days ago at 5.30 p.m. and the replacement was a guy with lots of white hair from Bloomberg (once a regular on PBS on Friday evenings). You know how consequential he is because I canā€™t recall his name. He is on MSNBC at times. Reliable anti-Clinton voice. Tried desperately to get Bernie to criticize Hillary.


Yeah, well good luck with that choice.


This is an example of a certain kind of post on TPM, although TPM is hardly the only outlet that does this. Namely, take a bad week for Clinton and link it to ONE SINGLE POLL that shows a dip in her standings. Statistically this is meaningless. What is more significant is an average over many polls, and what is even more significant is the electoral college vote in November.

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Meanwhile, Trump supporters are hailing this result as vindication of the polling process, its accuracy, and its value as a prognosticator of whatā€™s to come.

So when do we get to listen to Trumps TU depositions?

Gary Johnson looks like a more attractive alternative every day.

ā€œGary Johnson advocates the elimination of tax subsidies, the double taxation embodied in business income taxes, and ultimately, the replacement of all income and payroll taxes with a single consumption tax.ā€

Among other things, this lunatic idea would require the complete abandonment of every Federally-administered program that looks after our collective health and safety. Goodbye EPA, FDA, USDA, goodbye adminstration of federal land and national parks.

More specifically, one of the tax ā€œsubsidiesā€ that Johnson wants to eliminate is the home mortgage interest deduction, which in my case would cost me thousands of dollars. If you think Iā€™m stupid enough to believe that his magical reduction in taxes would ultimately mean my overall tax bill would be lower, youā€™re very mistaken.


I resist the suggestion that Bernie Sanders has made a real difference. This Democrat views his campaign as taking some people naive about the political process on a trip that will cause them to be cynical about it in the future.

The tracking poll found that 82 percent of voters thought it was inappropriate for Clinton to use the private server and 56 disagreed with the FBIā€™s recommendation not to prosecute Clinton.

The Poll also found that 82 percent of voters have absolutely no clue what Clinton actually did vis-a-vis her personal email address and server and 56 percent of voters have no clue about the laws applicable to handling classified information.

Huhā€¦funny how that works outā€¦

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Actually, itā€™s been 2 weeks of bad polls to be fair. The post is certainly structured around 1 poll, and they probably should have mentioned their own polling averageā€¦but the poll in question jives with the current polling averageā€¦ http://polltracker.talkingpointsmemo.com/contests/us-president-2016

The poll also found that that 82% actually voteā€¦ whether or not we think they are smart, informed and well manered.

I canā€™t disagree. This entire election season is built around horse-race reporting and spasms of reaction to everything. It swamps everything else. All people can think about is their own fears and, perhaps, PokĆ©mon. The human race is devolving before our eyes.

Okay, rant over.

Not likely that all of them vote, tbhā€¦

But still, I never said they didnā€™t vote. Just because they vote doesnā€™t mean I shouldnā€™t call them out for being horribly misinformed.

I would love to have seen what the polls would be if Bernie were the nomineeā€¦I do have a feelin that poll would be sanders way ahead of drumpf by a very wide marginā€¦but we got Clinton insteadā€¦so is life we had a chance to change things but what the hell we went with the status quoā€¦

Thatā€™s his probability of winning, not the percentage of the vote he is expected to get.

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