Discussion: Clinton: Yes, Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Still Exists -- And It's Better Funded!

Discussion for article #245519

She is right about that one.


And vicious right wing smears are infecting our party too. I read them on TPM everyday parroted by democratic commenters.


She’s absolutely right.


Glad to see I’m not the only person who’s been noticing that.


Nailed it.


Well a big ol DUH…


I don’t think a conspiracy needs always to be covert. Think about the inaugural conspiracy by Paul Rayn and Mitchie. Everybody knew about that. Our aim is to make Obama a one term president. So glad they failed.


And she was right when she said it in the nineties.

I never saw the movie, but the book is an outstanding read. I don’t remember precisely why or how, but somehow I ended up with it and David Brock’s “Blinded by the Right”. Combined, they made a devastating indictment and showed she was 100% correct.


Not every agreement to coordinate action or effort is a conspiracy, obviously.

Also, just because such an agreement is secret doesn’t turn it into a conspiracy; the agreement has to involve the conspirators breaking the law or having others do it for them. A secret agreement to go watch the Warriors put a whuppin’ on the Lakers would not qualify as a conspiracy; a secret agreement to murder someone or do a robbery or defraud seniors out of their pension funds would qualify.

But neither does taking a criminal conspiracy public remove it’s qualification as criminal. What usually happens is that saying it out loud in public results in different types of charges, is all: inciting or counselling the crime would be pretty typical.

For McConnell to invite or cajole or suggest publicly or even privately that the Congressional GOP caucus concentrate all their work would not be a conspiracy. It might qualify for prosecution under some special laws but it likely wouldn’t work. To deny it was said under oath would be perjury, but otherwise any ‘verdict’ would be for the public to make, and the voting booths.


The war between free labor and capital will be as eternal as the belief by some that the Powell Memo is absolutely true.

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The right wings smears have taken shape in the criticism of Clinton, planting doubt that she’s trustworthy or honest, that she is evil incarnate, is tied to Wall Street, and at all times trying to create the doubt that could be the viable candidate who’d go all the way They fear her and are trying to ensure Sanders will be the candidate believing he will be easier to defeat in the general.


The right wing and their backers want to do exactly what Martin shkreli and Rick Snyder and Scott walker did–that is the result of a free market with no regulations at all, and the purchase of top officials. Beware.

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See: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer.


Of course, it’s there. The right wing will do everything and anything to smear Hillary Clinton. She is the most qualified, the best choice for President we’ve had in many years. She can step in and do the job on Day 1. They are scared to death of her and have been for years!


Bernie stands to lose much respect, including mine, if he doesn’t temper the outrage of his younger fans. A lot of them are pretty stupid, and it’s going to refelct poorly on him when his base gets took in by all the Fox copy. The “liar” chant creeped me out. It seemed more like a Trump rally than anything else.

I guess he needs to decide if he’s in it to win it, or if he’s here to groom a generation of active voters who stand for what’s right with honor, dignity, and respect. Those are the best tools in our box. They need to know that while he has their ear.

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To my mind that’s the preferred outcome. This cohort would in, their words, be awesome in future years, truly embodying fired up and ready to go for the right reasons and understanding hissy fits are not allowed. Perhaps they will see things differently when the presumptive candidate chooses her Veep, who, if the speculation is correct, will be young and Latino, in other words, representing a future generation just like they do.

Excerpts from this book are available online, and I’m reluctant to read it. I know the premise, plutocrats hijacking our democracy and an entire party, but I’m not sure I could bounce back after being weighed down with what the author describes. You probably know the author wrote a long investigative piece on Cheney, Halliburton and the rush to invade Iraq, which was also much needed truth telling.

I’d recommend A Vast Conspiracy by Jeffrey Toobin for more on the same subject (“The real Story of the sex scandal that nearly brought down a president”). Very well written by the author of The Run Of His Life, the OJ story now on TV, in which Toobin concludes convincingly OJ did it.

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