Well, of course. Trump knows all about bankruptcy…
“This is a man who relishes making women feel terrible about themselves,” Clinton said. “And I don’t think there’s a woman anywhere who doesn’t know what that feels like.”
He complement that shark tank ladies boobs. How does that make her feel bad. It’s a complement for crying out loud.
Using the word bankruptcy when discussing Drumpf seems so … redundant.
Trump constantly claims Clinton is not qualified to hold public office, a plainly false statement. In fact it is plainly true that Trump is not qualified to hold public office, a fact which he proves over and over whenever he opens his mouth and lets out more virulent drivel. He demonstrates conclusively that not only is he not fit to be the town dogcatcher, he is not fit to be a dog, and if he were a dog the local constabulary would be under orders to shoot him on sight.
So Trump’s finally getting on board with the RNC strategy to “true the vote”.
We’ll see how long that lasts.
“Oooh shiny penny…”
Ghost, I think that you forgot to engage random Caps Locks.
I don’t know–targeting his campaign against groups who support Clinton and trying to alienate them from her is a perfectly legitimate campaign tactic. Clinton did the same earlier in the campaign, making direct appeals to potentially disaffected Republican voters. Of course, the Trump campaign, naturally, does this by lying, distorting and making absurd appeals.
Her point is that he is not winning people over, and so is trying to discourage her supporters from voting by intimidation and other vote suppression activities (as the GOP does every election).
You’ve refuted your initial argument. Also, a trumptactic.
GhosT, Too RaNdoM. hE cAn’T hEAr yOU
Clinton is now calling for Comey to expand on his report. I think he owes us all that, as well as telling that weasel Chaffetz he should have kept his mouth shut.
CAN HE HEAR ME NOW!1!1!!!one!!1!!!
Drums fingers on desk…
Sure would be nice if we had an actual functional mainstream media that reported news accurately instead of chasing salacious stuff and shiny objects.
But Weiner dick pics and trump pussy grab techniques are what the masses buy.
Bankrupt candidate figuratively and literally.
Trumpy may not make it to the finish line, Trumpy living on borrowed money and the, lenders are voting Clinton.
Hey HO, sell more hats!
Happy October Surmise!
I did not expect Anthony Sausage to become part of the usual antics during our elections. But one must ask: how did Huma Abedin end up with this character? Deplorable lack of taste? Marrying Mr “I drop my Pants”: Sad!