Hillary: he knows more about defeating the Islamic state terror group “than the generals do.”
The 88 Generals: Trump is right. We don’t really know anything about ISIS. He even knows stuff not known to Dubya, who was very smart.
whY tip Your HAnd AND let hiTLARY AND libTARDS steal his great idEAS.
Trump is temperamentally unstable, completely unknowledgeable, and incompetent.
Now, there’s a triad he might understand.
And whims. Don’t forget whims. The BEST whims.
Hillary: Well-presented and well-received speech at rally
Trump: Argle-bargle at “town hall”.
Hmm… since HRC didn’t have a near-death coughing fit, I wonder which will get more coverage by the MSM.
Trump: I am a skilled Pay-To-Play negotiator as Pam Bondi will testify. I will work those skills with ISIS/North Korea as needed.
Spoiler Alert: Trump will invite the Attorney General of ISIS to Trump Tower for a taco bowl.
Allegra got to cover the Hillary speech.
Josh’s pet! Josh’s pet!!
No seriously…I suspect she is the envy of who ever got stuck with watching the Trump one.
…as is everything else about Trumpet.
Now that Clinton has held two press conferences in two days, does she get a pass until early 2018?
Or ask Bill Orally for his falafel recipe.
Clinton urged Trump to “look at a map"
Understanding “maps” is just the first step. Then we show him charts and graphs, and finally that there are adjectives other than hyperbolic ones that third graders use to describe mundane events. We will teach him that an “awesome” vocabulary is not a good one if he knows only seven adjectives: “huge” “horrible” “tremendous” “unbelievable” “disgusting” “big” “incredible”, seven adverbs (which are the above adjectives with an ly): “horribly” “hugely” incredibly" unbelievably" “tremendously” “bigly” disgustingly" all of which most third graders understand.
Then we will move on to Arabic numerals and math, which will throw him right there because he is sure the Arabs never contributed anything.
Cute, but no. She needs to do these regularly. How tough is it to go to the back of the plane. The press may be stupid and craven, but they are a critical constituency. And it is the very best way to get ideas into the public’s consciousness. It is her job to win them over… And give them something to write about that she wants them to write about.
Heck, realtors ought to know something about maps. If Trump needs a refresher, bring in some former faculty from Trump University to tutor him.
The light at the end of Trump’s tunnel is from Melania’s Epilady…
“May”!!! Why not, ‘some people say,’ it’s more inclusive…
I’m writing this while on a visit to the UK, where elections are conducted rather differently. From the Electoral Commission, Guidance for Candidates and Agents:
Restrictions and offences
False statements
4.37 It is an illegal practice to make or publish a false statement of fact about the personal character or conduct of a candidate in order to affect the return of a candidate at an election. It is a defence to show reasonable grounds for believing that the statement was true. This provision applies both before and during an election period, but is subject to the definition of a ‘candidate’, as discussed in Part B, Chapter 3, paragraphs 3.11–12. It is also an illegal practice to make a false statement of a candidate’s withdrawal.
4.38 The potential consequences of breaching this provision are serious. If a candidate is elected and then an election court finds them or their election agent guilty under this provision, their election shall be void. Further, people who have been found guilty of an illegal practice are subsequently banned from registering to vote at any UK Parliamentary elections or local government elections in Great Britain for a period of three years. In addition to this, they are unable to hold office in the House of Commons or any other elected office in the same period. If it is believed that an offence has been committed in relation to statements about candidates and the complainant is prepared to substantiate this allegation through a written statement, this should be brought to the attention of the police.
Interesting. No penalties for lying in the Brexit campaign, however.
“We’ll stand up to our adversaries, not cozy up to them,” she said. “We’re going to have real plans, not claims and secret plans.”
Wow real plans. I love real plans.