Discussion: Clinton: Trump Owes Obama An ‘Apology’ For Leading Birther Movement

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Stay with this, please! On the debate stage, make him either own birtherism or apologize. He has no out that won’t hurt him.


Well, Floyd and me, we talked this all over. Now, for sure, we always felt Obama was born in Africa and was a secret Muslim. That’s why we liked Donald Trump for President (Floyd was always a big fan of his tv shows where he said “You’re Fired!!!” Floyd and me always chuckled at that, by the by). But now we know that it all started with Hillary. We still feel Obama isn’t an American, but we still would never vote for her since she tells lies about Obama. Just like how crooked she alway is.


Trump Owes Obama An ‘Apology’ For Leading Birther Movement

Don’t hold your breath while you’re waiting. Hell will become endothermic first.


Somewhere Orly Taitz is crying to herself.


How is the country and most of all the media even considering Trump a real candidate? This is total nonsense, he is unfit, his hate campaign must be stopped.


It turns out if you say 10-20 outrageous things a day, each and every day, there’s no way to respond to it. Because by the time you respond to one thing, he’s said 40 more outrageous things. Who knew?

But if you have one thing that is investigated for years and there’s nothing there…that’s worse for your reputation because they sink in and get invested in the story. Who knew?


Ugg doubt Trump hair born on his head.


She needs to say this each and every day.

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Ah, Orly !

Trump is claiming credit for forcing someone to do what no one else has ever had to do in our history.

Instead of claiming credit for it, he should be embarrassed and ruthlessly mocked.

And then he should man up and show his tax returns and health records… like everyone else has done who’s running for President.


I’m sure he’ll offer to apologize as soon as she apologizes for saying deplorables.


And for some inexplicable reason, HRC’s message of inclusion is falling on deaf ears, even though her entire career has been based upon it.

Is anyone as concerned about the direction of our nation as I am, when we see the rejection of inclusion (on which this nation was FOUNDED) so resoundingly rejected by so many Americans.

It’s like we’ve become an opposite society. We reward anger and exclusion and reject acceptance and inclusion.


Welcome back to the campaign trail Mrs Clinton. You appear in top form. Nice how your campaign had ready the birtherism issue to drop once the race tightened.

This is a divide and conquer strategy, a strategy to ensure educated whites turn their backs on trump and an opportunity to dominate the weekend news discussions regarding trumps soon to be uttered major FLIPFLOP on birtherism.

A majority of trump supporters believe Obama is not a US citizen. This is a key issue in the election. Drive that wedge, Hillz. Go!


What is this mythical nation founded on inclusion that you speak off? When did this happen?

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dont worry, she will.

Everyone’s a victim these days.

If you’re white, there’s reverse discrimination. If you’re male, our society is too “weak and feminized”. Heck, even our thin-skinned billionaires feel put out these days.

Up is down and apparently, black is white doncha know.

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You got it davemb! The media will follow every shiny object thrown out by Trump - health record reveal on Dr. Oz, birther nonsense, shooting little boats out of the water, the pastor who is a nervous mess, an economic agenda that will destroy our country, a childcare plan paid for through waste, fraud, and abuse. blah,blah,blah. And that is only this week and it’s not over yet. Please, fellow Americans, reject this mad man now.


The media are straight up addicts on this stuff, and they know it, that’s the sad thing. I have heard pundits on every station shaking their heads and giving a sheepish little grin as they talk about how they’re holding Trump and Clinton to a different standard, but … oh well … she should just be doing better anyway.
It’s like a watching a couple of meth-head parents who know they’re about to lose their kids to children services but they just can’t put the pipe down.


It seems that humans are born with an innate sense of injustice. It is pretty easy to stroke fears that one group or another is cutting in on what rightfully belongs to YOUR group. Divisiveness is an easy sell, especially on the emotional level. On the rational level, people probably know we are better off without racial strife, but many just don’t realize that we are all also better off when we work together.

People are voting for Trump because they think he is gonna look out for the white people, he is gonna restore their rightful place in society. They have first dibs on the American Dream, all those blacks and Muslims and Mexicans will have to get in line BEHIND them. They don’t care about the specifics of Trump’s policies, they just want someone who is going to give back what was taken from them.

Clinton needs to show that working together really does benefit all of us. Or at least, that undermining each other is harmful to all. Congress would be a great example of that.