Discussion: Clinton: Trump Keeps ‘Upping The Stakes’ Of ‘Biogtry’-Fueled Campaign

Discussion for article #244078

Please proceed, Jackass.

Hit him again, Hils. HARDER.


Actually, I liked Bernie’s response better.

Always a gentleman and understands that humor is the best response to The Donald.
“I don’t know how to break this to you. Donald Trump is very upset,” Sanders told a crowd at a campaign stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I don’t know what his relationship with women has been like, but he has discovered that women go to the bathroom, and it’s very upsetting for him.
“This is a guy who wants to be president of the United States. He must have a very unusual relationship with women,” Sanders said
I’ve got to be honest with you. I’ve got to lay it out on the table: I also went to the bathroom,” Sanders said. “I know. I have to admit it. I guess other men are allowed to go to the bathroom, but women, what can we say?"
Then he pivoted to real issues.
Humor, refusing to engage in arguing that issue, and moving on to the stuff people really care about.



I thought Trump’s sexism was OBVIOUS. (spreads arms in Trump-like move)

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Drumpf likes his women to be like his buildings: Tall and Tacky


Thanks for posting that.
It’s good to know there are two adults in the race. Bernie and HRC.
I think HRC is carrying some anger at Trump who has lobbed some rather serious personal insults (other than the bathroom thing) her way.
If I were in her shoes I’d be champing at the bit for a 1 on 1 debate with him. HRC has smarts, knows policy, and can think on her feet which would not be to Donnie’s advantage.


Drumpf is so uptight, he has the sheets changed during sex.


These are the kinds of public responses that smart, sane people make to the kind of stuff Trump says. In private, a facial expression would get it done—everyone would share the understanding that the speaker was so maladjusted that no comment was necessary. But I still don’t get it—how in the hell do people, people like in every-damn-body people, not see how creepy this guy is? I swear, if he were a neighbor you’d warn people to keep their distance.


People who support Drumpf have always existed. In the past, they voted for Wallace and cheered on Agnew. With the expansion of cable tv programming, they are in all too public view.

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He’s doing stand-up – and his fans live vicariously because he openly expresses their dark thoughts. To tie this in with the schlong and bathroom comments – those things are pure id – Trump doesn’t even think about it. He just spontaneously lets loose. When Josh points out that schlonged may be just Long Island idiom – well yes – ID-iom. The exact meaning may not be fully conscious, but the intent – the aggressive impulse – is still there.


Donald’s schlong journey home…From hair plugs to man dugs to juvenile mugs, he’s a sight to sour eyes.


Got to have thick skin and keep your eye on the prize at this level. And Hillary meets both qualifications. Trump misses both.

So don’t expect her to step down into responding to his personal attacks all that much. Look for her to move to the bigger issues and poke fun of his inability to do so…which will piss him off even more.


I agree he generally is influenced by standup—he doesn’t seem to know there’s any other way to talk to a crowd. But this bodily fluids thing is just plain weird. Back in the summer it came out that he went nuts when a lawyer at a deposition wanted to take a break to pump some breast milk. He’s got a pattern of saying these things. Nobody else I can think of in public life does anything similar and I’ve never heard much of this from people in my private life either.

That thing about “schlonged” as idiom divorced from the actual sexual meaning doesn’t quite work for me. If some enterprise fails and I say “we’re fucked” I don’t mean it in literal terms, maybe, but it’s still vulgar for crissakes. The idiom is meaningless without the metaphor. It’s sophistry to argue otherwise, I think. Any way way you slice it, you take away 90 percent of the evidence against him and the remaining 10 percent is enough to convict Trump as a vulgar slob and a maladjusted weirdo.


Exactly. A child might say it without understanding the sub-text… maybe.


Maybe I am in the minority…but I have never really understood that usage of it. Because “fucking” and “being fucked” are very good things in my book.

The old saying “Life sucks…so sit back and enjoy it” always comes to mind.

Though I do get the visceral feeling of hurling a good old fashion guttural phrase like it around.

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DaveyJones64: try substituting dicked for schlonged. it’s more to the point.

Not a Fuckstorian here, but I’m pretty sure that in that particular usage, it’s short for “fucked - in a BAD way”. Details would be in the ahem eye of the beholder.

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No, I know its meant in a “bad” way. I was just saying I never really understood how it got used as a “bad” thing in the first place.

Its sort of like if you really messed up something, you wouldn’t go “Oh man…I really orgasmed on that one”

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