Why exactly are they protesting Clinton? She’s right, there are pictures of the Trump kids smiling happily because they killed wild animals. Why aren’t they out at Trump rallies, or protesting outside of Trump tower in NYC? This reminds me of the BLM movement protesting Bernie Sanders. What?
Election Day can’t come soon enough.
Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, happened to be out of the country on a hunting trip at the time of the rally
That’s right. Eric and Junior are off making sacrifices for God and country.
On a related note:
Don’t underestimate LWNJs.
I thought I was one until this year.
The Yukon where they hunt is beautiful country. From the story of the first ascent of Mt. Harrison my bro and I made in the St. Elias Mountains there in 1972, 80 miles southwest of Kluane Lake truly “in the middle of nowhere.”
Soft target. They’d have been in danger at a Trump rally. Great comeback from Hillary, though, with a dig at Trump fils to boot.
Way to go, Hillary. Great comeback.
“Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, happened to be out of the country on a hunting trip at the time of the rally, something they’ve been criticized for in the past.”
You have got to be kidding me. Their Dad’s imploding, and they go on vacation? I don’t believe that for a second. Gone to meet their Russki puppet masters, I’ll buy.
Everyone kills to eat.
Vegetarians just kill things that can’t run away.
Wouldn’t you run away screaming from a dumpster fire if you could?
Trump’s sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, happened to be out of the country on a hunting trip at the time of the rally
Out of the country, really? So good old fashioned made-in-America targets weren’t good enough for the Trump boys. It’s not like we have a shortage of deer here, folks.
Contrast how Secretary Clinton deals with protesters from the way her opponent deals with them (not to mention babies).
WTF? Why would you protest at the one person who might bother listening to you if you don’t act like an ass?
She’s right. Democrats aren’t who animal right’s protestors should be focused on, it should be these ass hats:
I know a lot of people in group that orchestrated this. The thinking is that animals are treated in terribly deplorable ways in this nation. Terrible terrible terrible ways. And it’s all legal. Even if Clinton is better than Trump, she is still personally and politically complicit in this suffering. This is inconsistent with her claims of being a liberal and a progressive since she is largely discounting the extreme suffering of ten billion plus animals held as personal property in this country, the vast majority of whom are held in grossly immoral captivity and eventually violently killed for mostly trivial human amusement, eg the taste of pig flesh is preferred to the taste of nutritionally-adequate lentils.
I thought that was funny. And by the way I’ve been a vegetarian for three decades now.
The funny thing is while Hillary isn’t, both Bill and Chelsea are vegans.
You STFU and leave my bacon alone haha
I’m not so sure. She just made it a bit more difficult to grab a few votes from the non-college white male demographic.