It’s well worth noting that Hillary got a standing ovation.
Drumpf? A collective sigh of relief, followed by polite applause.
And that screen grab doesn’t show his iciest one.
It’s well worth noting that Hillary got a standing ovation.
Drumpf? A collective sigh of relief, followed by polite applause.
And that screen grab doesn’t show his iciest one.
Its a rabbit hole that only leads the candidate in a defensive posture. The way she pivoted from that question in the last debate into a full on assault on Russian hacking and making Donald go on the defensive instead about not believing the entire intelligence community was a MUCH better way to handle it.
And overall, that’s been her approach. She gives a brief explanation, apologized and then immediately turns to discussing real issues at hand, usually in a manner that hits Trump. That’s very hard to do consistently, especially if the press doesn’t particularly like the candidate. So, she started buttering up the press by conducting more press meetings and more one-on-one meetings with journalists.
They realized her flaws, and worked around them. To use a sports analogy, they knew Hillary can’t throw the long ball,so they threw little under the coverage passes and ran the ball up the middle. Trump meanwhile keep throwing hail marys down field and getting intercepted…because he was convinced he is the best QB ever.
Unshackled Rudy strikes back to defend his BFF! ~rotfl!~
(*BTW: Damn! Giuliani, it’s a simple procedure to get those BigBirdYellow lowers whitened. Yuk!)
My favorite line was when Hillary said, “Donald accused me of using performance enhancing drugs before the debates. I did. It’s called ‘preparation’.”
Notice how everyone seated around him were wearing cloves of garlic? He’s lucky no one drove a stake through his heart. Or fed him a Trump Steak.
I have to admit that Hair Furor’s reference to the First Lady giving a brilliant speech and the rousing cheers it received contrasted with Melania later giving “the exact same speech” and getting booed did make me laugh.
I felt so guilty!
BTW…we’re largely agreeing. I think there are a few things she could have done a bit differently, but by and large, I don’t think they would have had much impact on the outcome.
Ditto, my wife gave me the stink-eye when I did…
Fire is the Devil’s only friend. (with due respect to Don McLean)
I know. It just my fierce loyalty to her and her campaign showing through.
I’m just very analytical (Part of being on the Spectrum), but still, she’s run an exceptional campaign and I am really hoping that she’ll win big on the 8th.
Rudy’s face was disturbing. That man is a ticking time-bomb. He looked like he was contemplating murdering her, didn’t he?
That’s an everyday occurrence.
Reading the ‘reviews’ this morning I am WONDEROUS at the fact that so many of the media somehow think she should be a doormat. Trump should be able in insult with ease and everyone just shrug but Hillary should always be a ‘lady’ and the ‘bigger person’. I know this is just life as usual but I was hoping for BETTER in 2016. She didn’t ‘stoop to his level’ but she DID get in a couple of good jabs…and she did it with grace.
I suspect that inspiring this sort of attitude in her supporters will be one of the important and enduring consequences of the way she has conducted herself in this campaign. For myself, I knew before that she was good but not this good. I bet many others have had the same reaction.
Yes and to do so with hacked emails and documents surfacing too. Who among us would like his/her last 8 years of email made public? No thank you. HRC did, and they got nothing.
Trump was wearing a pasted on smile but I didn’t see him laughing. I don’t think he has a sense of humor. I also think he looked uncomfortable and out of place. After the speeches, trump’s family sortof huddled together around him and then they left. A few people approached them to say something to them as they were leaving, but they looked like they wanted to get out of there. Meanwhile, Hillary was bobbing all around the room, reaching out to say hello to people. Just like after the debate. She was in her element. Trump seems to have difficulty relating to people. He can work a mob of haters, and force himself on women, but he seems to lack basic social skills. I honestly wonder if he is on the autism spectrum.
If Lin-Manuel Miranda decides to write about the 2016 election, we have the rap battle number right here.
If possible, I’d recommend watchIng Hillary’s set first. I’ve never seen one of these before, so I don’t know how far you’re allowed to go at the Al Smith dinner (other than that Donald went too far). But it seems to me a lot of the pearl-clutching and both-sidesing of Hillary’s set was a result of following a historic crash-and-burn. Trump’s impression of the R101 disaster just poisoned the room.
For my money, where Hillary got REALLY close to the bone was
in the last three minutes, the “nice” part. That’s when she reminds this room
full of rich comfortable Catholics who Al Smith was and the kind of prejudice Catholic candidates faced only a few decades ago. She makes it crystal clear without saying it explicitly that politicians of the day used the exact language to alienate people like them that Trump uses today. She tiptoed
right up to the line of saying that Fred Trump was arrested for protesting Al Smith’s candidacy with the KKK. The line about “our greatest monuments aren’t the things we build” was a scorcher as well.
I am hoping that before the campaign is over, someone, who has absolutely no fucks to give, and rhetorically speaking only, goes medieval on Rudy Giuliani. Someone like Howard Dean perhaps, or someone with a wicked sense of humor.
Does anyone know why Bill wasn’t sitting next to Hillary last night?