Discussion: Clinton Takes A Seven-Point Lead In Monmouth National Poll

Yup, you of all people would be on top of that :). But he’s not just for a flat tax, he’s for a consumption tax; his website’s pretty generalized, but it does note that. And seriously, check out the Libertarian party platform – the “Environment” paragraph may be a bit indirect for the less-informed to figure out just what role they see for government action (ie, there should be none, duh); ditto “Labor Markets” (eg, no minimum wage). But the section on “Government Finance and Spending” is pretty clear:

All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose any legal requirements forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes. www.lp.org/platform
[Grrr, machine not letting me do block-text. Though that I’m actually able to comment today at all is nothing short of a miracle.]

All three sections, and more, are under the heading “Economic Liberty,” of course…

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Honestly the expectations are so low for him that him just showing up and repeating lines given to him beforehand will be seen as a win for him.

Can someone please educate me on something? I see that the Monmouth poll shows Clinton 49 Trump 42…okay so that is a total of 91. The Monmouth poll that includes all four candidates shows Johnson at 7 and Stein at 2. So far so good…the missing 9% is explained. However in the poll of all four…Trump and Clinton lost 3% each. Clinton 46 Trump 39… Where did that 6% go? I dont get it…how does it make sense that a poll with only the top two choices…combined with the poll of all four…makes so much more statistical sense than the the same pollsters attain from a poll of all four simultaneously? seriously…this isnt rhetorical …can someone make sense out of this for me please?? im totally dumbfounded.

Okay I’m confused by all the changing poll numbers at TPM today. This morning Clinton had dropped to a 3% lead but now she is up 5.5% even as Josh says Emerson came out with some bad numbers for Clinton and the Dem team. Now there is this article saying that Clinton is still up by Seven so what is going on for real. Hate to even go over to Daily Kos because their numbers have been scary even as 538 and Princeton Consortium show good numbers for the future POTUS. Does anybody really know what time it is?

It’s the TPM Polltracker methodology. Emerson came out with some tight numbers, them Monmouth came out with its poll showing Clinton ahead by 7. Since Polltracker takes both into account, it averages out to the number you see at the top of your screen.

Just remember: Keep calm and GOTV!!


Also when Clinton has around 340 EVs to Trumps 150 or so it’s easier to keep calm but the shifting individual polls are very concerning because Trump should be falling further behind in a sane, rational world wouldn’t ya think?

Libertarianism is the political philosophy of twelve-year-olds, who have a very heightened sense of individuality, but little experience of how the real world operates.


The problem is, my learned friend, this electoral cycle is neither sane nor rational. A crushing defeat will begin to restore balance and logic.

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There are three big reasons why Hillary will prevall by a very comfortable margin besides her current lead.

She’s a tested and unflappable debater and Trump has had no experience with one on one debates.

Clinton’s ground game, micro targeting and registration campaigns should be good for 2-3 extra percent.

The Clinton surrogates will be awesome this fall. Bill, Barack. Michelle, Joe, Bernie and Elizabeth. Murderer’s row!

They each be out there for weeks at a time revving up the crowds and driving turnout sky high.


To the author and her editors: It should be “shrank” or “has shrunk.” Thank you.

To further the baseball connection, Hillary is employing metrics a la vintage Billy Beane while Trump is trotting out tired unproven conventional wisdom and “gut” hunches. This is like Moneyball, but for the most powerful chair in the world. And just like Moneyball, the rest of the league (the GOP) will catch on after this election and copy the Obama/Clinton machine.