Discussion: Clinton Spokesman Blasts Ed Klein's Latest Book On Hillary: It's 'Bullsh*t'

Discussion for article #240920

“The only true thing about him is his consistent and utter lack of a relationship with the facts,” he continued. “He has more hair than credibility, and the man is bald. So we’re not going to get down in the gutter with him and his outrageous fabrications.”

Just damn.


Such language! Prepare the fainting couch!

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So we’re not going to get down in the gutter with him and his outrageous fabrications.

How in the world are Merrill’s comments — calling him names, making fun of the fact that he’s bald, using profanity — not getting into the gutter with him? Klein is despicable, but Merrill is doing Hillary no favors.


I don’t think it hurts Hillary one bit. Probably the opposite. Her supporters are wanting her to come back swinging at this non stop smear campaign.

Your point is taken…he is totally wading into the gutters here. But man, I am totally using that line about having less credibility than hair.


That is pretty funny shtick, there, Merrill. I know your position is difficult–you cannot deny too loudly for fear of attracting attention, and you cannot ignore for fear of acquiescing. So use some funny lines to denigrate and dismiss. Well done.


You can use it, Davey. I can use it. But Hillary’s campaign should not.

Ed Klein is a joke. But Merrill reacting in such an over-the-top way reinforces the impression (heightened by tone-deaf fools like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) that the Clinton machine attacks anyone who criticizes Hillary, and creates the illusion that Ed Klein is being attacked because he’s somehow a threat.

I like this spokesperson. That’s the way to fight. I don’t like to lose “classy”…


Another right wing Hillary hater writes a book about Hillary. We all know how that is going to pan out. I don’t think that Hillary Clinton is going to threaten the WH, and neither does any sane person believe this. VP Biden’s supporters do seem to talk a lot and spread rumors on Hillary. So, it could be possible that Valerie Jarrett might have said something to somebody just to shake the boat up. Maybe Valerie is batting for VP Biden.

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Ed Klein’s constant go to is "an anonymous source’ who said Valerie Jarrett… This has been going on for years. If that source EVER existed, I’m pretty sure Valerie cut that off a long time ago.


her campaign appears to be loaded down with these types…

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Don’t explain the joke, man. Let the press do it. it’s funnier than way.

The only people who seem to quote Ed Klein a lot are NEWSMAX.
What does that tell you?
His publisher is Regnery, who never met a lunatic Right-Wing Conspiracy they wouldn’t publish.
What does that tell you?
I don’t blame Hillary’s spokesman for lashing out. This crap is getting more and more vindictive and hateful by the day.


Can somebody fix the comments section for Big Door’s latest Kookfart?

But if Democrats don’t spend all their time in the ‘cowering Democrat’ pose…the right wing might be MEAN to them!!!

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Ed Klein is to literature what Sarah Palin is to intelligence.

I can’t say anything worse about him.


Agreed. This is the kind of stuff that HRC needs. Let her give the measured, thoughtful responses. That what she, as the candidate, should be doing. Merrill is doing what attack dogs should do, and I think this kind of “real talk” resonates with the American people far more than nuanced, more polite commentary, particularly when the attack is such bullshit. I’m not saying this should become a daily habit, but every once in a while it does a campaign good to be seen kicking somebody in the nuts.


Hey, even Sir Galahad carried a sword and stabbed people once in awhile.


This is a time honored tradition in minority communities, particularly the black community. You don’t fight, you don’t even get upset, you just talk about the person, and you keep talking and laughing until you’ve made such a blasted fool of them that they slink away in shame. Mr. Merrill is playing The Dozens, and doing a pretty good job of it.


He’s doing me and my blood pressure a favor.

Guy is a liar, deserves whatever gets thrown at him.