Discussion: Clinton Slams Trump: He's Playing 'Into The Hands Of Violent Jihadists'

Discussion for article #244059

So, when will tRUMP announce his Middle East solidarity tour with Vlad Putrid?


Keep handing him that rope, Hillary!



Cruz: Hey, I am here…


Of course he is. The E-Z media theme of calling Hillary the liar is utterly disgusting. That, and NEVER calling Trump a liar for what he actually says. Sure, overall he gets Politifact’s Liar of the Year award, but no people in the media ever seem to challenge any stupid mendacious thing he says.


Because she’s tainted with knowledge, Hillary must be factual while Donald, blessed with relatable alpha male ignorance, can blow smoke like a river steamer according to the Old Testament, Tweety and Mark Halperin.


Now THAT’S a nice swift kick to the nuts to Trump! I hope it pisses him off reeeeal good, which we know it will. Could Hillary have finally found Trump’s kryptonite? Using his own words she’s called attention to his serious failings and connected it to America’s biggest fear of the new booggieman of the modern age; Terrorism. Point out that Trump is becoming ISIS’s best friend and watch Trump piss himself in an angry tirade trying to “refudiate” the charge and blame someone else. Smart move. She should do this every time he stands his ground around whatever bullshit comes out of his fat cake hole. Hell, rehashing some of his old bullshit would be a good use of her time as well. I do hope she gets under his skin, but good.

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"She also said the terrorist group is showing videos of the mogul to recruit radicals. Trump promptly called her a liar and demanded an apology during an appearance on NBC’s “Today.”

Mr. “Thousands of Muslims In New Jersey Celebrating” suddenly cares about whether there’s actually video of somethign to prove it?


I don’t agree that Hillary or any other Democrats have to take the high road against these lying sacks.
Why is Clinton being called out for one “exaggeration?” Let alone the re-directing noise coming from Schlichter regarding Trump’s comments towards her.

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When the terrorists come home from a long day doing jihad stuff, this is what they like to see. It soothes them to see how soft these tough guys really are.

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Why did Donald really chicken out of his Middle East trip?
Can’t have a chicken president…It’s disgusting.
OMG, and Donald keeps touching his face! With his fingers!! It’s disgusting!!!
And those balloony slacks…What’s he hiding? A colostomy bag?? It’s disgusting…

And those jowls! Huuugggghhhh!

Good for her.

Trouble is, it won’t matter, because the media is just breathlessly focused on the “schlonged” comment, and Jeb!, the supposed adult, is blaming Clinton for a comment Trump made.

No one in the media seems even the slightest bit perturbed by that, either. But hey, Hil will bring Bill and all that baggage, and she exaggerated something so…

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If all it does is piss off Trump, it will matter. Trump will do most of the work for the media himself on Twitter.

I don’t mind her taking him on, but she’s hurting herself at the same time. Trump will still be there…or he won’t. In the meantime her challenge to deal with Bernie, and he’s not going away easily. If she ignores him she won’t have to worry about Trump in November. In fact, she won’t be on the ballot in November. Better she should confront the issues that Bernie is raising.

Trump started this cat fight by blaming HRC for thousands of deaths while she was Sec. of State. HE’s the one who owes an apology.

Donnie Fuckwad Trump needs some therapy. All he can speak is derp.

It still sounds to me like Mr. “Hitler on the Hudson” Trump is, and has been giving aid and comfort to the enemy of the United States, ISIS. He should be delt with accordingly.

Arrogant Bully Criticized, Begs For Apology.

Hey, you media guys, why don’t you get off the dog bites man story and investigate whether Trump can be expected to go nuclear every time he’s criticized?