Discussion: Clinton Shuts Down Snippy Trump On NAFTA: 'You Live In Your Own Reality'

I watched the first 35 minutes. I think all the perpetrators of domestic violence and those who hold the primitive view that it’s always the woman who’s partially to blame that must be loving this, who think he’s doing great and that he’s “on fire”. To me, it’s a scary, kinda funny, retrograde re-enactment of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” only Donald is playing both George and Martha. Hillary is like this even-keeled observer who is very much present and there.


NAFTA was a fucking disaster, and cost the US millions upon millions of jobs. On the day it was signed, moving vans came to factories and unbolted machines. Idiotic crap like this story, fact free but with that glossy internationalist sheen of the elites, is infuriating wrong. It’s particularly amusing that Clinton’s reply is termed “cool”. It basically was “lame” or “unprepared”.

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Trump’s RDF - Reality Distortion Field

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2 Pinocchios to Hillary on this claim, Trump has no actual reality, he lives in an ever putrefying pool of puss. Before any one shapeless, lifeless reality sinks in, it morphs into a morbid state of lifelessness never to be heard of again.

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The Republican Party has fielded a lunatic.

Fox News is talking about how poorly he did.

That’s all you need to know.


He is such a MUT.

WTF is all the time he gets…I’m pissed. SHE needs to BITCH slap that MF.

What part of this DON’T YOU GET…Hillary. You have to get down, and smack this liar RIGHT in the face with FACTSX. She just stands there…
get your FUCKING shit together and SMACK the hell out of him with the his own words.


Donald Trump: All Hat, No Cattle

White palm prints show up so nicely on spraytan…

She cleaned his clocks. I am so friggin proud of her!!! He looked like a bumbling asshole. She held just the right note of amusement and disdain throughout. I could go on and on….but basically he looked like a fool and she looked like a president. Her close was as if she had already been inaugurated. When she addressed the rest of the world at the end it was as if she was reassuring them. AWESOME!


Well even Chuck Todd was strongly implying that it was a disaster for Trump. I would say this was as good as we possibly hope for.

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I agree, and I was partly afraid she would be too wonky and not aggressive enough, that Trump would dominate, and that Holt would surrender the moderation. But she pushed back, seemed lively, punched through the interruptions, and seemed to reduce Donald. And Holt did a fairly good job.

One down …

She controlled the entire debate narrative and controlled him in the process.

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Mostly agree, but with one quibble: Clinton wanted to firm up labor and environmental controls. He drafted some provisions, but Congress never took them up, so they were not enforceable.