Discussion for article #244793
I’m sure the right-wingers will handle this news with their usual maturity and non-conspiratorial ways.
Wasn’t she interviewed by Trey?
I bet his butt still hurts.
LOL. That was very funny and the snark spot on
I’m not sure why they would interview her since she’s not under investigation.
I see all American media is carry water for the republicans again. Get ready folks for months of reruns “ol email” again. Which mean republican internal polls must be showing they’re losing against the democrat candidates. So let dig-up the dead and buried and beat it to death.
My question to Tapper, where did he get the idea that the FBI be interest in Clinton emails?
Waaaaaaay too logical.
It’s gotta be something like, That thug Obama has toadily called off the FBI dawgs. plus she’s playing intimidation jiggery pokery with Trey-Trey’s staff so he’s now all
‘O.M.G., she AWESME power has. Overwhelmed I are!’
I listen to right-wing radio all the time, and a lot of them are convinced that either the FBI’s gonna haul her to jail before the election, or that the FBI must be doing Obama’s bidding, 'cos the evidence against her is so overwhelming. Of course, these are the same people who thought Romney was going to crush Obama in '12, and that the repeal of the ACA was just around the corner, and that Saddam Hussein was behind 9-11, so their opinions may be taken with a slight grain of salt.
More like their opinions are made after a bunch of bath salts.
One word was more than such a dumb question deserved, actually. An icy stare would have been just fine.
Yeah, but what about Vince Foster?
Well played.
Again, people are still trying to dredge up a phony scandal.
wow, don’t they usually interview their so called TARGETS?
It really is a sad strange world these people create for themselves isn’t it? There is a biological term that works well for right wingers and their preferred media outlets, obligate mutualists.
I like it!
Well they can dream can’t they, They were also sure Rmoney was going to kick Obama’s ass.
A guy I know that’s a retired cop and post all kinds of links to right wing BS on his facebook has several about the FBI after Hillary.
A totally inappropriate sleazy hit job. Is the FBI even supposed to be interviewing her,who cares. Keeping the name BENGHAZI in the news was the goal,mission accomplished.
There is no shortage of otherwise basically intelligent people just diving of the conspiracy cliff and quite willingly too.
A friend of mine that I have been building with for near 20 years and whom is really successful and capable loses bet after bet to me, so he’s backing up his craze with his cash, bet that Hillary will be imprisoned for the emails, that Biden will pop up and fill in for her just before the election and that the Repub candidate-unnamed and generic, will take the election in a landslide. I literally laugh in his face and practically beg him to come back to his senses but he’s way gone since Obama and that is strictly because he’s black, which he admits. So Obama is basically the gateway to full blown loonacy.
If anyone, the FBI should be interviewing the entire teabagger movement because I heard that they are planning to take over the government one empty building at a time.