Discussion for article #244619
I know this is off topic but did anyone else have trouble with the comments section last night. I couldn’t open any of the stories on the President’s SOU.
Sanders is going to have to do better than “I voted against the Iraq war and she voted for it, oh and BTW, millionaires and billionaires, blah blah blah…”
I did. Not just during the SOTU (I was able to post later though), there was the same trouble early evening as well.
Why are statements like this news? Just like Sanders and his “Hillary is in trouble” crap.
Hillary could be down 30 points in every state - she’s still not going to say “HOLY FUCK! I’M SO SCREWED!” to the press.
“Candidate reinforces self-serving imminent victory narrative”.
Yes, it’s like it was impossible to be the first person to open the comments. Once there were actually comments it was possible to go there.
I figured as much. I just gave up. This is happening every fucking day at TPM. I have sent them countless emails to which they never respond
This narrative was being pushed all day yesterday on MSNBC and I suspect it was the same on the rest of the librul medial channels. I actually turned on a shopping channel yesterday I was so disgusted. The President was pretty damned sensational last night. It would have been nice to see the comments on the SOU
You need to understand. It’s all part of the
Remember that crap getting peddled?
What’s going on here at TPM with the comments. This has happened almost every day
She shouldn’t be. Sanders is a hypocrite, claiming he wants “single payer” but in every bill he’s ever introduced, he wants “single payer” not at the federal level, but “state by state” using “federal guidelines.” That’s worked out really well in the case of Medicaid expansion, right? And his home state of Vermont tried it in a single state and it didn’t work–you need lots of people in the insurance pool.
As a matter of fact, old Bernie voted against every Democratic bill calling for single payer.
I sure do. And, I dropped out of Prime after the subscript ran out.
Two excellent candidates
An outstanding SOTU address by POTUS
Cruz having difficulty even avoiding being an “illegal alien”
A strikingly non-Bagger response by Haley (indicating that the GOP knows it’s in trouble)
Near total absence of GOP alignment with most of the issues the nation cares about
One would think that Democrats and Progressives would be in a confidently aggressive state of mind going into this election, both pre-convention and post convention. Notwithstanding the fact that Hillary is not Bernie (and vice versa), the fact remains that their debates have been civil and their positions are far more similar than divergent–and CERTAINLY divergent from the Republicans.
So we’re good.
But what are we talking about after POTUS’s magnificent oratory? More handwringing. More splitting hairs about Bernie versus Hillary.
We can either snatch defeat from the jaws of victory or we can choose not to. As my cousin would say:
“Eees awp tou ewe, main.”
yeah right… that’s why she’s suddenly making herself available for live call-ins to chris hayes and scheduled for an interview with maddow this week, and did a sit down with cnn… when just last week the media was bitching about how unavailable she was…
not to mention the reappearance of carville and the wretched lanny davis as advocates… can mark penn be far behind?
Well, it is up to Clinton to make this an issue. I tend to follow politics pretty carefully, but your statement about Sanders’ “Single Payer” position was news to me. Thanks!
She knows the nominating process. Because after Iowa and NH, regardless of the outcomes in those two states, the states that follow are heavily in favor of Clinton. So yes she is in good shape at this point. She knows the pathway.
Yes – and not just last night. it seems there is sometimes a lag time from when something is posted to when comments open up.
The media cycles this every year, waiting for every candidate to switch from certainty of their future win, to suppressing hope so a lower finish does not disappoint. And every time they will hawk it as breaking news!
Trotting her old creeps out is not going to help win anyone over. And if the notorious Mark Penn face shows up AT ALL, she will definitely lose votes.
Whatever results we see in those two early states, I think one of the biggest fuckups by her campaign (or more by the DNC, I should say) is the debate schedule. Why protect her from where she shines best?