Discussion: Clinton Says She's 'Always Tried To' Tell The Truth To American People

Discussion for article #246208

MAN am I sick of the ‘media’. She gave herself wiggle room…if she DIDN’T the NEXT thing is ‘OH HAPPY CRAP SHE LIED…TWICE!’ There is no ‘win’ with any of you. You don’t report news you make up garbage for clicks. JHC.


That’s about the most honest answer an honest person could give.


This is a gotcha question at its worst. She gave a strong answer that was careful not to get her caught in a trap this asshole was setting. The DC press corps is the absolute worst.


Another new chapter in “The Clinton Rules” book. The ink was barely dry in last month’s chapter, “Show Us The Transcripts from Every Speech You’ve Ever Made”.


“I don’t believe I ever have.” Oh, so then you DID com under fire when you and Sinbad landed in Bosnia. Interesting. And then you DID help resolve the N. Ireland conflict. And Chelsea was at the World Trade Center on 9/11 (even though she didnt realize it). And you didnt know your law firm records were in your closet. And you were named after Sir Edmund Hilary even though nobody ever heard of him when you were born. And on and on and on. So good to know that all these things are now true.


Seriously. That would have been my answer as well. Conversely, I’d take it a huge grain of salt if someone around me says “I have never lied, have never hid anything, have always told the whole truth, ALL through my life.” Or something like that.


I would have asked back at him: “Have you ever asked a really stupid loaded question, Pelley?”


I so agree. The media are shameful


I would not be a bit surprised if there was an actual fucking lie detector machine next to her podium at the next debate. This is just insulting now.


Epic logic fail there, sport, between quoting “I don’t believe I ever have” and saying “So good to know that all these things are now true”. You have a preconceived notion and nothing anyone tells you will change it. Very poor critical thinking skills evident. Thanks for showing everyone.


“When Pelley pressed her to say if she had “always told the truth,” Clinton said she’d tried.”

So we all know Pelley and the rest of the media will now ask the same question to all the GOPer candidates and Bernie for that matter, right?

Oh, silly me, questions like that are only aimed to dis Clintons. Never ask them to other candidates.


The truth is that EVERYONE lies. We lie by omission and we lie by equivocation. We lie out of kindness, and we lie to dodge questions and circumstances. Hell, we tell some of the biggest lies to ourselves. Admitting you’ve TRIED to be honest is as close to honesty as one can get, especially coming from a former FLOTUS, Senator, and SoS. I imagine she’s had to lie in the interest of national security.


And look how the MSM gives a free pass to all those blatant lies from the Republican side. The level of bias we are seeing is beyond obscene. I’d like to think we as Democrats all agree “we aren’t treated fairly” whether you are supporting Hillary or Bernie.


Yes, silly you. They’ll only ask Bernie serious questions the day after he clinches the nomination.


This. “Millions and millions” times of this.


Every four years, everyone gets on their high horse and demands a candidate who is perfect and odor free. And every four years, people zero in on one thing but insist they’re “willing to listen” to a candidate, which is absolutely false because these endless “debates” and “town halls” are there for amusement purposes so pundits can hawk “who won.”

It’s like wanting a car mechanic who won’t get dirty, won’t use foul language if he hurts himself, and always smells freshly showered. I’d rather have a candidate who can sit through an 11-hour inquisition without skipping a beat because this ain’t her first time at the rodeo. But, nope: Democrats and liberals are insisting that the Obama 2.0 reboot is going to be the real deal.


Clinton’s been in the public eye since the early Nineties, and she has spoken on a million issues and spoken to millions of people. How could anyone remember what was said in the course of those years? She’s a lot more honesty than dubya who we knew was lying because he was talking, and she’s a lot more honest than any of the R contestants, and no one challenges them. This is only the beginning of the double standard treatment she will receive.

And as long as I’m griping, I also detest the current phrasing of the question which goes, you said such and such then, “How can we trust you on this issue now?” Toad did it last night, and he did it at the debate in NH he and Maddow moderated. Maybe I just detest Toad and what comes out of his mouth.


Ironically, a habitual liar (or a pathological liar like Trump) would have no problem whatsoever answering this question very clearly – they would simply say, unequivocally, “I have never lied, will never lie.” They would, of course, be lying.

By the way, a reporter asked Bernie the same question recently (or basically the same question), and he answered similarly – something about being proud of his record of telling the truth even when the truth is inconvenient, and saying that he “hoped” he would never have to lie as President. Both of them left a little wiggle room for hypothetical scenarios. Which, again, is something a habitual liar wouldn’t bother to do.


So good to know that you are incapable of ratiocination.