Discussion: Clinton Says She'll Participate In Debate Hosted By GMA On April 15 (VIDEO)

So now whatā€™s the Sanders campaign gonna whine about? Too early in the morning? Conflicts with Mrs. Sanders getting their tax records ready to share? Or what?


Not that I have a horse in this race, but if I were Sanders, Iā€™d be pointing out the problem, with at least the optics, of Hilary Clinton accepting a solution from a former whizkid of Bill Clintonā€™s successful campaign(s).

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Ballā€™s in your court, Bernie.


Actually, to prove his independence, Stephanopoulos will probably be tougher on Clintonā€“not less toughā€“than another moderator. And George and the Clintons had a famous falling out after he left the White House. So if this is Bernieā€™s excuse, itā€™s a pretty lame one. And Clinton is right: itā€™s a different audience. Why not mix it upā€“instead of the same format again and again? Iā€™m not actually sure this plays to Clintonā€™s strengthsā€“as I think sheā€™s a stronger conventional debater than a View kinda gal. But I think itā€™s pretty hard for Bernie to not show upā€”and then claim he got stiffed for a debate.


Favoritism was not very much in evidence in 2008, as I recall.


Different audience. Different time slot. Why not? Not everyone can tune in to a 7-9pm or 8-10pm time slot debate.


Agree. The time is better for me. Donā€™t think George will favor Hillary. Letā€™s hope Bernie agrees. they can duke it out!!

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True. I would also guess that the overwhelming majority of those who were interested in watching a debate have already done so. I imagine that the only folks who really wanted to see one but havenā€™t are those who donā€™t have internet access, cable, or a DVR, those who go to bed particularly early, and stay at home parents with school age children and children under 5. Everyone else has had several opportunities to see a debate. Those with internet access can go online anytime and watch the previous debates.


Stephanopoulos is very fortunate Sec. Clinton is a bigger person that he is. Heā€™s a treacherous piece of work. Yet Clinton, one of his victims, is willing to give him a shot.


Thanks SO much mediaā€¦for the perception and the headlineā€¦the Clinton campaign never said they WOULDNā€™T debateā€¦that was pure whine from the Sanders campaign and you guys leaped on it like a rat on a rafter to try and portray Hillary in a ā€˜badā€™ light and Bernie as the ā€˜Iā€™ll do anything for the peopleā€™ candidate. Pathetic.


I donā€™t know what the Sanders campaign will whine about but I will whine about the headline that says Clinton agrees to debate blah blah. She did not agree with anyone but Georgio and that does not really count does it. I will also whine about you saying Sanders campaign is whining simply because they donā€™t roll over for the oh so great and powerful wunder frau when told to roll.

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arenā€™t most people bigger than Stephanopoulos?


They demanded a debate in NY before the NY Primary and acted as though Clinton was somehow reneging on an agreement, even though there was never any agreement about when or where the additional debates would take place. After the typical campaign back and forth, Clinton offered them three different dates. The Sanders campaign then dishonestly pretended they were only offered one date, this evening before the NCAA game, and that it wasnā€™t fair because they were somehow operating on the impression that Syracuse was in the game tonight. Hint: theyā€™re not. So, just as Sanders did with the Fox debate, sheā€™s moving forward with it without him.


Truth in advertising thereā€¦you are whining.


Thatā€™s me. I didnā€™t watch the last coupla Dem debates. I think I did watch the GOP debate after JEB dropped out but not all the GOP debates.


And Sanders has accepted NBC prime time debate April 10. The best compromise? The best for voters? The best for the DNC? Letā€™s play two! (He also offered the 11th, 12, 13th. As Bernieā€™s campaign said, she must have a busy fundraising schedule.)


Will he ask her about this?

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I think an even better idea than having a debate while people are getting ready their kids ready for school and then themselves for work ā€“ oh and then heading out for the commute to work ā€“ would be when theyā€™re all actually at work. 10 am? 11 am?

I wonder what the internal polls are showing. Maybe nothing much, but, boy, she really doesnā€™t want this debate.


Frankly it doesnā€™t matter that she was talking with GS. He has never gone ā€œeasyā€ on her and how many people remember he was part of the first Clinton administration. It isnā€™t as if everything and everybody has to be an issue although it seems like it.