Discussion: Clinton Says She Is 'Very Disturbed' By Video Of Officer Forcibly Removing Student (AUDIO)

Discussion for article #242415

COP Should’ve TASEd the Miscreant. LIBtards SOFT on illEGAL CRIMes!!11!!!one!111!!!

"There’s a lot of alternatives then to picking them up and throwing them on the ground,” Clinton added.

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I’ve read that this girl was in crisis. Her grandmother had recently passed away and she had been placed in the foster care system. This was also a new school where she didn’t know anyone. I can see why a kid in that situation may have seen her phone as her lifeline, the only way to connect with people she loves and those familiar to her. She needed someone to pick her up and give her a hug, not a slam to the ground.


Yeah, on the other hand every kid knows they’re not supposed to have their phone in class.

When it comes down to it, there has a to be a CORRECT way to handle this. Kid is in class, won’t leave when the teacher says so. Won’t leave when the principal says so.

Seems to me, getting someone in there who actually has some skill in dealing with troubled teenagers. Like someone with training, not some roided up cop, would probably be the best way to handle it.

I’m not totally sure the correct way to handle it, but what we saw on the video damned sure wasn’t it.


I hope this doesn’t turn her life into a partisan battle ground.


"There’s a lot of alternatives then to picking them up and throwing them on the ground,” Clinton added.

Yes, but police have tried everything and people still complain. They’ve tried:
–body slams
–all possible combinations of the above

Nothing satisfies you people!



Rightwingers have offered several alternatives, including:

  • The Ordeals-On-Wheels service in Baltimore.
  • NYPD’s wrestling outreach initiative on Staten Island.
  • An innovative neighborhood-watch program in Sanford, Florida.

Statistics show a disproportionately-high level of minority participation.


Speaking of Florida, the state legislators are tinkering with the Stand Your Ground law. Seems they found a way to make it worse.

Senate committees approved legislation this month that would relieve defendants of the need to prove that they were in fear for their lives. Instead, prosecutors would be required to disprove the self-defense claim in a pretrial evidentiary hearing.

You might as well call it the Hitman Protection Act, because I don’t see how you successfully prosecute a killer who takes just a little care to leave no evidence of prior intent and who murders someone where there are no witnesses.


Dang. My heart goes out for her. I only hope she can bring herself to rise above it all. What a troubling start to this chapter in her life. This young lady most certainly needs some seriously solid and very kind guidance.


She was slung across the room as well as being thrown to the ground.

Judging by his build and his actions he’s probably a 'roid freak.


then you have failure to obey, CEO style.

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“Very disturbed”? Fuck that. EXPRESS OUTRAGE FOR ONCE. Really fucking express it too. Tell the fucking truth…that everything from this “zero tolerance” “disturbing the schools” criminal statute to the roid-raging redneck cop was racist, start to finish, both systemically and individually, and that if you’re elected POTUS, we’re not going to tolerate it in the slightest and will be attacking such crap mercilessly.

Stop taking “positions” and take a STAND for once.


Gee, why is it that South Carolina has so much trouble with white-cop-on-black-unarmed-citizen violence?

Could it be racism that is deeply embedded in white SC culture? If so, what can we do about it? Send all the racists to Guantanamo? Nahh…

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I think race should be dropped from this discussion. It detracts from the fact an adult male thrashed a young girl for a passive non-violent offense. The officer was violent. Yes he was White but he was also vicious and out of control. That’s the story.

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For anyone seemingly outraged that Clinton did not take a more forceful stand in this Sirius discussion because she stated only that she was “very disturbed” at what had gone down in the classroom, I say only this. There is no other candidate that has said even this much on this matter, and certainly no R has said anything. However if one of them has, describe what they said.

She may be the frontrunner but she’s not the nominee and she will be addressing those issues affecting women and girls to a greater extent than any other candidate between now and November 2016.

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This is what I have to say to any cop that uses their badge to over-react and then hide behind it, “Payback will be a motherfu*ker!” It might come tomorrow or 20 years down the road, but it will come!
So my suggestion to those that hide behind the shield or office, you’d better get a set of these and never be caught in public ever without them on!

“very disturbed” interesting choice of words. if there was ever a time to use the words “disgusted, outraged, pissed off” this would have been it. These kind of measured responses to outrageous situations be it police brutality or Wall St malfeasance is why Bernie has a chance

Why are the police handling school issues? If a student misbehaves, they get sent to the principles office, never to jail.

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