Discussion: Clinton Says 22 Top Secret Emails Are 'Nothing New'

Discussion for article #245348

a lot of innuendo

And a ton of commercials…I give you cable news, ladies and gentlemen!


And this is why HRC should have just done what Rice and Powell did and just destroyed the damn server. Ol’ drippy is back.


Any of the cable scolds remember another disaster on Dubya’s watch?

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Powell had an email server? I was told he just used Gmail…

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Like anyone is asking about their email servers anyway.

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I think that’s what members of congress who’ve turned this into an albatross use.


This is all a distraction to keep the media from investigating the firing of the White House travel staff.


There’s no there there. Anyone trying to bring this up on the wkend before the Iowa caucuses can surely be seen as trying to foment political sabotage imho. Look one again to the political reporting of the NYT. They seem to have a bug up their butt when it comes to all things Clinton. Its kinda their thing.


Since she only received the e-mails and didn’t forward any, who are the people that sent these TOP SECRET e-mails in the first place? Who are the people who didn’t classify the e-mails before they became able to e-mail. There is so much political disease connected to this she may need to get a vaccine!

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Maybe they have a reporter “embedded” in the GOP war room. Where’s Judith Miller?


Well, you can’t destroy Google’s servers. What is the truth?

GMail does not mean you have your own server. Just your own address. just FYI.

Is this snark?

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Not at all, but having a gmail account for public use is quite common.

and the missing "w"s on the keyboards!

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Gmail didn’t exist then. Remember, Google itself wasn’t any kind of thing before the 2000s and Gmail didn’t launch until April 2004 whereas Powell was finished with being SoS in January 2005. What the GWB White House and senior cabinet offices used, ‘officially’, was the old purely commercial version of Outlook, not the new one that got reconstructed and improved by NFP types, and with that old Outlook software what would happen is that the program would get to a certain peak and then start automatically deleting from ‘first in’. So with every new email sent or received on a given PC’s installed version of old Outlook, the earliest email still to that point preserved on the database would be automatically deleted. This feature became a big component in the early stages of the sell-job BushCo tried for in explaining the loss of historical emails, tho it turned out that ‘autonomic’ feature was being actively supplemented by conscious deliberate deletions and thereafter by database wipings and eventually hard drive destruction.


Has anyone determined that so much as ONE email that had material at that time classified as top sector was sent to Clinton or by Clinton? That’s a pretty juicy tid bit being left out of the discussion. Material is frequently classified after its been in the public domain. If a review of information on her computer determined that some of it should be classified ( and that seems to be the case ) then none of it was classified when it went to Clinton’s mail server. And, if Clinton did not send it to herself who do you call down?

So far I’ve not seen a single media type or GOP’er allege Clinton sent material classified as “top secret” at the time she sent it. That silence speaks louder than words. Was Sec. Clinton, at any time, in possession of information, in form or location, that she was not legally entitled to or in a location that at that time was illegal? It’s a simple yes or no. If the answer is no and you want to bash Clinton you don’t ask that question. You don’t clarify that point. It’s not being asked.


OK, so that did mean that they had their own server. Thanks Avattoir!

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