Discussion: Clinton: Sanders Only Person Who’d Call Potential First Woman President ‘Establishment’

Discussion for article #245578

How could Senator Sanders not have colleagues endorsing him? Interesting!


Secretary Clinton has the support of far more governors, more mayors, members of the House

And what, exactly, is wrong about that? I mean, sincerely and seriously? Bernie says this to criticize her, as if she having the support were something evil. What does he find problematic about that? I know he wants to differentiate himself, but this is silly IMHO. There is nothing productive and substantive with such statements.


All good points, slightly off topic, they both seem tired.

can you blame them? They barely just finished Iowa.

Bad sign if that is indeed the case… as you just said above, coalition building does matter to translate policy proposals into concrete reality.


I’m much younger than our candidates, but I know I would have been too exhausted to do what they are doing now.


I would have asked for a chair or stretcher by now …

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Well iam still under 30, and i know i wouldn’t have been able to stand that 11 hour bs marathon Hillary had to do.


Dems are afraid of his one dimension. I like him a lot. Everything he says is true but I don’t think he has the path and the ability to win in a general.


He also knows jack about foreign policy. Hillary made a great point about his comment on getting Iran to send troops to Syria. Sure that sounds fine until you spend 2 minutes looking at the lay of the land and then realize how that could lead to a much bigger war.


Sanders: True believer
Clinton: Knowledgeable fighter

Republicans are cutting attack ads against Sanders from his remarks tonight, quaking in their boots at prospect of debating Clinton.


Regardless of the tiny shot bombs I like the tenor of these debates so much more than the policy deprived personality cult debate failures of the other side.

Could there be a clearer difference between the candidates of both parties?

Infants vs adults


I didn’t think so. I thought Hillary was damn near the best I have seen her. Certainly the best of this campaign, including the 11 hour marathon in Congress.

I think she cam out spitting fire,and it pushed Bernie back on his heels, and he quickly toned down rest of his responses after that. There was an awful lot of Sanders going, “Ditto for what Madam Secretary said, me too” for example. That may be what you saw.

For her part after she came out strong, she pulled back…no point in over playing it, particularly once Bernie started wilting.


Picked a wrong time to look here. Just about every headline begins “Clinton . . .” Almost like she has Establishment cred or something.


That couldn’t be clearer to me. Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell were just going on about how the moderators hardly said a word,particularly at the beginning, and just let the candidates go at it.

That is only possible because both candidates are adults, and will allow the other to respond. Try that with the bunch on the republican side and it turns into a screaming match and probably would end up in fisticuffs.


Shi’a moving into northern Iraq to fight a Sunni force? Yeah, that won’t end well.

I am sure, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey all will have no problem with it.

Not even for party members in blue states that don’t support his views. For all his bragging about the money he is raising, none of it will go to any other candidate. And he does repeatedly make the point, but rather obscurely each time, that the only way he sees things getting done is if America elects a bunch of people who think like he does. Considering the number of people in Congress that match that description can be counted on two hands…he is talking about the type of wave that has never occurred in this country’s history. And isn’t going to in 2016, 2018 or 2020.

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I also thought his response to the question about normalizing relations with Iran was pretty disingenuous. “Who said anything about normalizing relations on day one?”

Umm…you did, Bernie…in the last debate. No, you may not have said on day one, but in international politics, when you put on that on the table in an election, its becomes your starting point. So either he doesn’t realize that, which is deeply troubling, or he did and was doing a very bad job of trying to split a hair.

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