Shorter Bernie Baby: How dare the Democratic Party be a party. I’m offended the Hillary supporters contributed to the party. I’m going to continue to sit on my ass and expect a Congress I can work with to magically emerge.
Edited for typos.
Am I alone in thinking that Bernie isn’t just trying to make sure Hillary loses, but he’s trying to destroy the Democratic Party as a whole. It is time dems stop playing nice with this guy.
Maybe you should, you know, join a party before you start criticizing its established rules instead of just using it to get on the ballot as you might have had a wee bit of trouble with the whole Socialist thing in your party’s name. Just a thought, Bernie.
By the way, you and your holier-than-thou supporters are rapidly reaching your sell-by date.
I can’t believe how much I have moved to really disliking this guy. Feels so entitled without doing a thing. Spouting shallow wall street mantras and lies about Hillary hasn’t helped. But then, when you’re losing, who cares if Hillary supporters and Democrats in general will feel inclined to vote for you. Shooting in foot!
Well from what I see from his supporters, he has gotten this far by using the GOP method: accuse, accuse, accuse, without any proof, and your followers will swallow it hook, line and sinker. Then they go on to embroider and embroider on this “knowledge” of corruption they now have and make up even more fantastic stuff, like Hillary is for Citizens United!
It’s an ugly and very underhanded tactic and it’s time for the news media to stop reporting so much on his increasingly inartful smears now become full out lies.
So, someone can correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this completely and totally allowed? And further, if the Sanders campaign wanted, they could also have a joint fundraising effort like this with the DNC?
I really didn’t see an answer in Mook’s response.
Anyway the original Washington Post article has more information such as this:
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Lawrence Noble, a former general counsel of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) who is now with the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center. “Joint victory funds are not intended to be separate operating committees that just support a single candidate. But they appear to be turning the traditional notion of a joint committee into a Hillary fundraising committee.”
This is the Campaign Legal Center:
This is the Post article with a little more meat on the bone:
I have said for the last month that Senator Sanders will go deeper and deeper into the pit – scorched earth. He will not only damage Secretry Clinton, but the entire Democratic Party. He doesn’t care a whit about either.
When (not if) Secretary Clinton secures the nomination, I hope she steamrolls the Senator from Vermont. Not out of vengance (though that would be very understandable), but to have done with him, once and for all.
The dems need to put up a candidate to challenge him for his seat in VT…just seems you can’t be nice to some folks.
Sanders campaign says joint fund with state parties appears to be benefiting the Clinton campaign.
Sanders campaign says…appears…
Pretty conclusive, I’d say.
Well, not a lot more, frankly. Between this article the substance of the letter from Sanders’ counsel, the whole fracas looks to me like the last-second equivalent of a election eve robocall.
So when Hillary Clinton raises money for the party and for down ticket Demicratic candidates, some of those who see what she is doing decide that they are also willing to donate to her? And Bernie Baby thinks something must be wrong since they are not giving to him as well?
Best thing that happened for the GOP chances this entire year up and down the ticket has been Sanders.
Bernie signed the same agreement Hillary did. So not only is this guy a.) not raising funds for downticket Dems despite b.) having signed a joint fundraising agreement to do so c.) he’s attacking Hillary for actually raising money to help downticket Dems d.) lying about this e.) suing the DNC over this like f.) fundraising off this lie --but only for himself of course, because screw helping downticket Dems.
Oh and I forgot the part where he thinks he’s going to get the Party’s establishment to over turn the will of the people by overriding the pledged delegate. You know? the Party he’s crapping on…again. And btw, so the DNC will have to spend money/time on this crap lawsuit rather than say, defeating Repubs across the country.
I mean of course Bernie doesn’t need a Dem Senate to actually pass any of his unicorn policies. Nope, of course not! He’ll have The Revolution! and three million people outside Mitch McConnell’s office. Which would be so much more effective than say, working with Majority Whip Schumer to get the rest of the Senate to pass things.
I keep on thinking Bernie will stop sucking, and making me hate him more, but I guess not.
It’s baffling. The Sanders campaign is a continuing thatsnothowthisworks.gif
There is a Bernie Victory Fund, but he has so far chosen not to use it. So it is pretty disingenuous to claim the Hillary Victory Fund only benefits one candidate.
I suggested this very thing yesterday in a post. I am convinced that his main objective now is to harm the Party in any way he can. This is utterly unbelievable. He, his campaign managers, his wife and his supporters have gone off the rails.
Bernie is not bright enough to be a good President.
But…but…but I thought the Sanders campaign has pulled in 47 gajillion dollars from $27 donations. So why are they so fucking worried about those “Democrat whores” of the national party? Heavens, why would they want to soil their lily-white hands and politically pure souls? Oh, and Bernie, if you want the largesse of the Democratic Party, I suggest you quit complaining about where that largesse comes from.
The john is just as guilty as the whore who services him.