Discussion: Clinton Reminds Trump Are GOPers Deserting Him In Tense Exchange (VIDEO)

Brava. Beautiful!!

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She’s right - he is living in an alternate reality…

I was hoping Anderson Cooper could keep trump reigned in but here’s my impression of a debate with trump


Aaaah, the proverbial battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

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He didn’t respond to that either.

If you watched the debate with the sound off, I wonder what the impression would be. Trump’s constant circling the stage, approaching Hillary with pointed finger, and aggressive scowling seemed to me his way of using his physical presence to intimidate. Even the wide open jacket and extra long tie signaled “I will dominate you!” I sensed Hillary was actually affected by this, avoiding making eye contact and staying out of his way, instead focusing on the questions at hand and how to respond to the aggression.
Though she handled herself with incredible aplomb, I suspect most women felt very protective of her tonight. What an incredible jerk he is.


Clinton Reminds Trump Are GOPers Deserting Him In Tense Exchange


I get the gist…but who wrote that?

Bad, bad Orange Man scared kitty.

Kitty was afraid the bad, bad Orange Man would grab her!

In Tense Exchange, Clinton Reminds Trump that GOPers are Deserting Him


Michael Steele post debate analysis:

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1st look at tomorrow’s New York Daily News: