Discussion: Clinton On Racial Joke: 'It Was Mayor De Blasio's Skit'

What, thereā€™s no intern to throw under the bus?


it wasnā€™t Clinton who said she doesnā€™t like jokes like that (in the ā€œskitā€). it was the guy from Hamilton.


Hillary likely wonā€™t have the luxury of deferring come November.

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Ooh, you better rethink that, Hill. First, I donā€™t think DeBlasio will fit under a bus and second, it would go against his whole Vision Zero program.

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Christ, thereā€™s no bus to throw anyone under. This is an extremely common inside joke among black folks about ourselves. Attempts to turn this into something else, into some racial joke, only really reveal your own ignorance about black culture. And continuing to try to paint either Clinton or DiBlasio as some kind of racist is, I believe, one of the numerous examples of why Sanders is doing so poorly with black folks.


Grasp at straws much?


Not only was it De Blasioā€™s skit, it was his line.


Yeah: really. Talk about weak tea.This once again highlights the amazing degree of media scrutiny that HRC is exposed to. If standing next to someone who said ā€˜CPā€™ (I think ā€˜CPTā€™ is actually more accurateā€¦) is HRCā€™s closest brush with ā€˜racially chargedā€™ language she is looking pretty good! :smile:


ā€œWell, look, it was Mayor de Blasioā€™s skit. He has addressed it, and I will really defer to him because it is something that heā€™s already talked about,ā€ Clinton told Cosmopolitan when asked whether the joke was inappropriate.

When told that the most recent polls showed that the vast majority of voters liked the joke, Sec. Clinton revised her statement, and took credit for the skit.


Keep on beating this dead horse Bernie Bros.
Someone on stage with Hillary says something stupid and she tries to back out of it, and the whole thing is then HER FAULT and PROVES, PROVES I TELL YOU! that she is a racist?
Oh fuck that.


Bernie will break up the banks, thereby protecting us from Blasā€™s terrible dad jokes and ushering in a golden age of Nordic-style socialism. If Hillary is president, DeBlasio will emcee the White House Correspondentsā€™ dinner EVERY YEAR.


We have Trump THREATENING PEOPLEā€¦and these tight-assed fuckers are obsessing over THIS???


Right statement
Right time
Right perspective
Fuck these Fuckers


Isnā€™t this the type of Political Correctness, that Trump runs against?

Trump trump trump trump, thatā€™s all you can report on for days. Finally mention Hillary and this is all you can come up with. Bernie is on a roll now to the Dem Nomination and that means President Cruz. Iā€™m going to blame TPM.

Neither De Blasio nor Clinton are black.

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I lost track at how much silliness was contained in that statement. If it was snark, then I applaud you.


Holy shit! Really?!?!?!?

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I love it :sweat_smile: when the simple makes me laugh out loud. Thanks.

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