Sadly, it is an integral part of what passes for the modern GOP, deny, deny, deny; attack, attack attack. What makes it more egregious is that there is no filter on these attacks, no one in the media who will stand up and say, “But crime is actually going down” “Didn’t Colin Powell and Condoleeza RIce also use private email servers?” “There is no evidence that Hilary caused Benghazi”.
Without acknowledgement of the facts, these attacks, slanderous as they are, will simply continue.
Both Clintons have a knack for waiting too long to address false allegations.
But Clinton mentioned the “concerted effort” to convince people that her actions were not always above board, saying “I often feel like there’s the Hillary standard and then there’s the standard for everybody else.”
Bad move. I’m voting for Sec. Clinton in November. But even if she is correct in her analysis (and I think she is), the answer should be: “Politics is a tough game. If you’ve been at it as long as I have, you know a lot of mud is going to get slung your way. In fact, I probably know that better than just about anyone else. But I can handle it, because the issues we’re fighting over are much more important than whether I get to play on an even field all the time.”
I agree, but maybe she has tested this response on focus groups already.
Seems like whining. Maybe the idea is to provoke Trump by the appearance of weakness into an insane tweetgasm of insults.
C`mon Girl , you can do it .
It’s especially a shame, because no one whines more about unfair treatment than Trump does. Leave it to him, and take the high road while kicking his ass.
I think it’s a woman thing. Just as Obama had to be very careful about appearing angry because of a certain stereotype, Hillary can’t say anything which an observer could take as her cracking because of female weakness.
It’s difficult. I’d say she’s in huge trouble now because of WikiLeaks, especially since this is the first in the “Hillary” series from Russia/WikiLeaks. Whatever she said today won’t matter. She might be toast. Think about SwiftBoat. What we’ll see this summer will be 10 times the magnitude.
There comes a point at which this will be brushed over. The link between Manafort and the Russkies is close. So who benefits from this leak? What is so terrible about the campaign against Bernie. Bernie is a one year old Democrat: he entered the race. What did he expect? A warm welcome? There are no pansies in the political world. So I can see people at the DNC fight against Bernie. Do you think the Berniacs only said complimentary things about Hillary? Why weren’t their emails published. After all does one believe Bernie’s firewall was so good that no one could get into their emails. The Russkies gave this stuff to Wikileaks. In my book the guy in the Peruvian Embassy can rot: his organisation is a mischief making, self-righteous and selective leaking crowd is far from being innocent. Glenn Greenwald …I am looking at you!
Look, no whining! There is no time for it. Get our people out to vote, and we win.
Nothing illustrates the double standard better than the reaction to Pence’s vote for the Authorization to use Military Force in Iraq and Hillary’s vote for it.
One is a “youthful indiscretion” and the other is prima facie evidence of corruption.
I certainly hold Clinton to a much higher standard than I do Mike Pence, who is an idiot and a jackass.
And he’s not running for President, except by proxy.
That standard was created in 1992. Unfortunately,many members of the left hold her to it too. We see it here in TPM commenters too.
“I often feel like there’s the Hillary standard and then there’s the standard for everybody else.”
Poor woman just doesn’t get it. She’s got it right but she’s got it backwards.
Clinton is a higher standard than Pence. But that’s not the issue here.
Yes: after all a woman who was First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State: no real accomplishments! Did not declare bankruptcy a number of times. Now there is a great failing! It is now one of the Republican Party’s requirement for qualification to run for President.
Hillary has had 30 years of “scandals” published and republished. I don’t know any other person, let alone a politician, who could survive all the hateful press. There’s a significant element of bias against a women, implicit or not. If Clinton had done what’s reported about Trump and his campaign men have done, and are still doing, regarding financial connections with Russia, there would 24/7 “news” and commentary, While there is increasing coverage about these connections, Trump’ tweets are still published/broadcast without challenge.
I wish I’d written this:
"Progressive" Drama Queens Freaking Out Over DNC Emails Need to Grow Up
Spandan Chakrabarti July 24, 2016
In the latest of “progressive” poutrage over Wikileak’s publication of stolen DNC data - including what may be hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals’ credit card information and social security numbers - the subject, oddly enough, is not an uproar over the stunning violation of privacy of private citizens that Wikileaks is perpetrating. It isn’t even over the fact that there is evidence that the Russian government was behind the hack, the same government that is protecting American fugitive Edward Snowden.
No, the poutrage, as always, is some high-horse moralization over DNC internal staff emails that happened to not always have given the progressives’ newest savior, Bernie Sanders, utmost adulation. In fact, some emails from some staffers even said mean things about the boyfriend of the self-anointed protectors of all things liberal, and, get this - one conversation even talked about whether to use the Sanders campaign’s DNC data stealing operations early in the campaign against him, although that idea was eventually shot down due to express instructions from the Chair. And if that weren’t enough, one tinsy email talked about asking him about his religious beliefs (again, a fleeting thought that was never actually carried out).
Oh, the horror.
Never mind that despite the American media’s hard-on over titillating campaign drama at the expense of any and all things policy-related and substantive, no one has been able to find any smoking gun in the emails. Never mind that no one has been able to dig up any evidence of any untowward or unwarranted action the DNC actually took against Sanders related to the leaked emails. Never mind that the best even the Sanders campaign have been able to complain about during the primary when it came to process was superdelegates being favorable to Clinton, all the while Bernie Sanders was losing pledged delegates to Hillary Clinton by a comfortable margin at any rate.
Never even mind the fact that it was Bernie’s supporters and delegates (not those scary DNC people) - and his campaign’s highest echelon - who openly bragged about overwhelming the caucus process in Nevada to overturn the verdict of the voters on Caucus day.
Never mind any of that. Apparently now it’s time for “progressives” to progressively whine and accuse the DNC of tilting the process with no evidence of actual actions doing so whatsoever. If you are a “good progressive”, you must be outraged - OUTRAGED - that people who work for the DNC are allowed to have thoughts.
Allow me to give these rage-manufacturers an antidote they can understand. Grow. Up.
When you run for president, people say bad things about you. When you run for president, people say a lot worse. People who run a political party are allowed to have their own thoughts, and the only thing the Democratic National Committee was responsible for was to conduct a fair primary process. Since no one has found actual evidence of any action of the DNC that conspired from these thoughts being blasted out of context all over the interwebs, the only thing these people can be accused of are thought crimes. Last I checked, in America, thought isn’t a crime.
The fact that the Left seems to be such delicate flowers that they cannot for the love of kittens and puppies stand such horrendous thought about their Chosen One is exactly the reason why they remain incapable of accomplishing anything productive. Those who live their days looking for opportunities to take personal umbrage at nonsensical idiocy rather than being concerned about Russian hacking in American elections or empathizing with their fellow Americans whose identities can be stolen as a result of what Wikileaks has done are as petty and as small as Tea Party Republicans. This is why the Left-Right coalition of hair-on-fire jokers are the last people that should be trusted with the future of our country. We need grown-ups in charge, and these freakout-artists are not it.
There is democratic standard to scandals or mistakes they make. Some of it by the gop and the rest is dems when anyone says or does wrong we are the quickest to throw them under the bus and abandon them