No doubt in my mind either, just hope Mueller comes to the same conclusion
I have a feeling Hillary is going to keep needling Cockholster by degrees, much like someone who increases the heat little by little under a tea kettle, and eventually he will completely lose it.
And be aware that she can say anything she wants with impunity. I hope eventually she’ll simply refer to him and his minions with the honorific “Comrade.”
In short, she is going to get his goat and he will snap.
Trump’s inevitable twitter tantrum / insane rant over Clinton’s interview - once the obsequious smirking toadies at Fox & Friends read it to him - should be interesting.
The thing I find absolutely exasperating is that time and again, Hillary spoke plainly and directly, articulating the simple obvious truth, and got criticism and snorts of derision and annoyance from the press for being too mean to the salt of the Earth white people in David Broder’s America or politicizing things like racism, sexism and foreign intervention for her own, base, self-serving ends, and when she didn’t she got attacked for temporizing and not being sufficiently plain spoken.
Which is, of course, exactly what they did to Gore and Kerry. For that matter, they did it to Obama, but the general disgust for Bush neutralized it.
The audacity of writing a best-seller book and going on a speaking tour that is completely booked up. Why doesn’t she just disappear?
Is she trying to make Bernie look bad? So divisive!
So what? Whatever “influence” Russia may have had, Republican’t Gerrymandering, open voter suppression and the DNC coronating the wrong candidate, with the wrong message at the wrong time had far more actual influence on the election results than Russia. But I guess that isn’t as sexy as Neo-McCarthy Red Baiting and pee pee tapes, nor does it sell as many books. It never ceases to amaze me how members of my Party keep falling for the same con over, and over and over again. These people (New Democrats, Third Way, "friendly’ CEOs) are not your friends. They do not have your best interest at heart. They only seek to keep Americans distracted and divided on multiple issues (race, religion, sexuality) while keeping the little people ignorant of their common class interest as they and their friends in the other wing of the same bird of prey continue to rob us all blind…
The interview was part of Clinton’s promotion of her campaign tell-all,
And finds the evidence which should be easy as stupid as Donald and his team probably were about thinking it was all ok as long as they didn’t get caught.
She said she thinks the Russian president has had a “personal vendetta” against her since her husband’s presidency and because of certain moves she made as secretary of state.
Actually I think he knew Donald was an idiot as well as a large portion of US voters. Although to some extent I think he as much as anyone should be worried that such an utter moron has the codes.
Bernie Sanders ran the campaign he chose to run, with the message he chose project and he lost decisively to Hillary Clinton.
And the last time I checked, the DNC doesn’t cast votes, voters do. They made their choice and it wasn’t Bernie Sanders.
Also, even with the Russian influence on his behalf, Trump lost the vote of the people by 3 million votes. Were it not for the antiquated Electoral College, and to some extent Bernie Sanders as well, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Yes, the people standing with minorities are the ones dividing us, doncha know. They’re the real racists. Hmmm, where have I heard that before?
This is the heart of why I left the Bernie wing. When you’re so myopically focused on one thing (Clinton = bad) that you are willing to “so what” things that actually matter, it tells me that you don’t speak for the majority of Democrats. We can believe that Hillary was the wrong candidate and still agree with her that Russian meddling in our national elections was a big deal. We can believe that Hillary was the wrong candidate and still believe that race, religion, and sexuality are important issues, because they are-- people are being killed or driven to suicide over those issues in this country on a regular basis.
We can believe in elevating economic classes while still caring about the “identity politics.” In fact, our failure to do both will lose us election after election after election, because right now I cannot look my black friends or my Muslim family or my kid’s gender-fluid classmates in the eye and tell them their very real pain doesn’t matter as much as helping some white dude in West Virginia mine more coal.
Were it not for the antiquated Electoral College,
Was it ‘antiquated’ when Obama won? Did you love it then, having all the big states in your back pocket before the race even began? Stop your whining.
Not whining.
Obama won the vote of the people. The Electoral College validated that vote.
Trump lost the vote of the people. The Electoral College overturned that vote.
See the difference?
I’ve never liked the Electoral College. Presidential elections should be decided by the vote of the people. We don’t vote for Electors, we vote for a candidate for the Office of the President.
Anyone who even tried to help them should be tried under the Espionage Act and executed on live fucking TV.
Either that or hand their asses over to the people so we can literally tear them apart. Death to traitors.
Darcy, ypu participate a lot, here, but it doesn’t appear that you are a Prime member. If you aren’t, why don’t you help defray the cost of publishing TPM. Thanks.
I must have missed the coronation.
All I saw was Bernie only winning undemocratic caucuses where a handful of hyper-motivated activists could make themselves matter and getting his ass handed to him in states with actual elections while his supporters continually spewed ridiculous illuminati conspiracy theories about the all-powerful DNC to explain away the fact that he was getting his ass handed to him in states with actual elections.
Okay, “Not whining”, but a Dem candidate losing the EV’s by 77 votes tells me they had either a poorly run campaign, a weak and damaged candidate going into the general election, or both.
Something is terribly wrong when a Democratic presidential candidate loses nationally by 77 EV’s. And I’m not discounting the effect of Russian meddling and Mr. Comey’s direct influence.
Good point. But I’ve really have had enough here and am pulling myself back from the abyss. Have a personal project I have to give complete attention to. You’ll have to get by without me.