Discussion: Clinton Leads Trump By 1 Point In New National Quinnipiac Poll

Quinnipiac…enough said!

This poll is basically in line with the other, more reliable polls. This race is now neck-and-neck. We’ll see how the debates pan out, but if I were HRC, for the good of the country I would be actively considering announcing that Bernie Sanders would be the new Secretary of Labor or Education Secretary. There are several million young votes out there that need to be pulled in. I’m not a big Sanders fan, incidentally. On the contrary.

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We have heard that Hispanics and African Americans aren’t voting for Trump. Not sure how he polls so closely, unless the demographics are way off in the polls.

So how do you like your “electable” candidate now, TPM? What does that say about her when she can’t easily put away the most despicable candidate the GOP has ever nominated?

The election hasn’t happened yet, my friend. Maybe you should pipe down until then.

Your name fits!

Let’s face it. The Dem establishment fucked up big time. Sanders would be crushing Trump. Clinton may just well lose to a candidate no one else could lose to.

RCP still has her up by 2, including recent polls.

Pipe down? That’s really weak.

I’ll grant you that Clinton is not a great campaigner, but this is the reason Sanders had a chance. He was a tomato can waiting to fold.
“Deadbeat dad, deadbeat dad”, “Never had a job until he was 40”,
“Wrote essays promoting rape”
Get REAL. Plus, he has a titanic temper and is thin-skinned. Trump would roast him alive—and so would have Hillary, except she needed his supporters.

… Let’s not forget, the VOTERS chose Sanders, not the establishment.

If Democrats get revved up and fight back against the vicious tactics of the Republican Party spin and noise machine, and if the millennials decide they’d rather live to see their 40th birthdays after all, and if Bernie’s supporters realize their butthurt’ should be healed by now, this could all change between now and the election and Clinton’s lead should be much, much larger___ Oh, I know. It probably won’t happen, but it could and should.
It won’t be anybody’s fault but the Democrats’ if it doesn’t and lethargy and hurt feefees’ triumps over all reason.There’s nothing we can do about the fact that Republican voters are fine with a man who is not only mobbed up but is also in bed with Putin, a murderous Russian strongman; who are fine, moreover, with a man who has promised to deport 11 million human beings; who says he intends to place millions of others under constant surveillance; who declares he would abrogate the First and Sixth Amendments (and he’s just getting started); a tyrant who would encourage and abet police violence against American citizens; a souless creep who wants to eliminate the Affordable Care Act; a man who would place reactionary activists in the federal judiciary including the Supreme Court; an American Firster’ who would withdraw from the worldstage; a denier who would eliminate our modest national participation in global efforts to control the worst impacts of climate change…well, there’s a start! And as it turns out, Republicans are fine with it all. Fuck Republicans.But fuck us, too, if we let this happen just because we don’t feel that Hillary has made us feel enough feelings and our butthurt over the Bernout’ overrules out senses.

I don’t know that any of that is accurate.

According to Sam Wang of the Princeton Consortium :“Snapshot (149 state polls): Clinton 292, Trump 246 EV”. That’s not a landslide prediction, but it’s pretty much not neck-and-neck either.

I actually don’t understand why Wang doesn’t get more serious treatment.

Can someone, anyone explain to me how Clinton could possibly be leading Trump by only single digits? It is unfathomable.

She’s an awful candidate? we Bernie guys - we TOLD you. We warned you. Just remember that.

Trump is not getting support - people think he’s unqualified and he is not getting above 40%. He’s doing much worse than Romney. Clinton’s inability to crush him is all on her lack of appeal.

I think you missed my point. Also, “we Bernie guys”? You mean me?

What amazes and astounds me is that 44% of the voting public sees Trump as a viable candidate. I’m not surprised that Clinton is in the upper 40%s, but that Trump isn’t below 25%.

Because media = horse race = dollars.