Discussion: Clinton Keeps Narrow Lead Over Trump In Poll Among National Registered Voters

From Friday:

Clinton leads Trump by 12 points ahead of Republican convention: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Who is supporting this man? Every day I am baffled by the polls who show the two candidates so close in the numbers. I am amazed - but not surprised - to see the media continue to treat thevTrump “campaign” seriously. If there was even a whiff that the Clinton Foundation was as corrupt as Trump’s so called charities the Republucans would be calling for hearings - oh that’s right they are - despite no evidence of any wrongdoing. And what is the BS about Clinton not doing a press conference in how many weeks? When was the last Trump press conference? Or was that yesterday?

I’m really not seeing how 47-43 is “narrow.” Four point national leads are the stuff that Electoral College crushers are made of.


49% of the US population is below average intelligence.
Trump long ago locked up the idiot vote,
Here is the good news, Trump is at his Zenith
Clinton is just getting started.

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“Hillary Clinton Leads By 62 Points With Latinos As Trump Stumbles Into GOP Convention”

“Clinton leads Trump by 12 points ahead of Republican convention”

“The Roof Caves In On Trump As Clinton Leads In N. Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, and Florida”

“Clinton Keeps Narrow Lead Over Trump In Poll Among National Registered Voters”

MSM way of trying to keep and audience IMO,with this" narrowing lead" nonesense.

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“Every thing turned out as expected” is NOT a headline that sells papers :smiley:

Today I did a text search on the front page of the New York Times. There were 13 mentions of Donald Trump. There were 0, nada, zilch mentions of Hillary Clinton. The other day it was 15 to 3 respectively. Maybe Modo has shot her wad, maybe there’s nothing new in the email ‘scandal’ to castigate Hillary with. But even in the paper of record, Trump is STILL winning the race for attention.