“Hysterical blindness” is the perfect description of those laid-off Sanders staffers who think they’re going to be able to make progressive common cause with Tea Party Republicans.
I cringe when I think of Tim Robbins. Totally live in bubbles.
Bernie followers: Let’s hope they maintain their interest and expand their knowledge. We need them. And they need to help shape the world they’ll have to live in.
Which he doesn’t, as his history in Washington shows. His history in Washington also shows, however, he will be very much interested in the upcoming talk of Dem committee assignments/chairman appointments after November. I admit that earlier I thought that would be a very strong incentive that would keep him from pulling a Nader, and surely he hasn’t and won’t do exact that in that he didn’t and won’t run a 3-rd party campaign, but I do take the way he’s been attacking the Democrats as his attempt of Naderesque hostile takeover from inside.
After his full-throated attacks against the Democratic party, we gotta wonder how the likely Senate Majority Leader will be juggling some committee jobs. I don’t think they will do anything overly punitive, but I also don’t think they will reward him for his negative campaign and disrespect against the party either.
She is ever smooth and gracious when talking about her opponents. It’s one of the things I admire most about her. When that so-called journalist Connie Chung caroled Gingrich’s elderly mother to say that what Hillary is rhymes with “witch,” and it made big news, she invited Gingrich and his mother to the White House for lunch. Smooth.
While it may be satisfying to some to contemplate the ways in which the party could punish Sanders after the election, the fact remains that even with a tidal-wave election and taking maybe 10 seats in the Senate, they will still need to beware 2018 and keep as big a majority caucus as possible. So Sanders may not get plums, but neither is he going to be trashed so badly he might leave the caucus in a snit.
left, I’ll take Nader for a hundred!
Hope you’re correct about that trajan.
It’s going to be a contested convention, and by that time Sanders will almost certainly be in the lead, pulling away, in national polls. The convention will be surrounded by tens of thousands of those he has galvanized. He’s got a far better chance of beating any GOP candidate than she does.
Why on earth should he give up now?
Point one: Neoliberalism doesn’t work. It’s as ineffectual as it is unethical as proven by 2008. Point two: Clinton is a neoliberal.
What else do we have to learn now?
Oh, point three: never ever behave the way Clinton supporters do. It’s easy to be blinded and seduced by the politics of feeling falsely accused and victimized, but the ego energy that comes with it is always incredibly harmful and self-damaging.
Thanks for the object lesson folks, we can say at least you’re great teachers by negative example.
Thankfully too we won’t need you in the general since we’ve got the independents, the progressive base, all of the informed youth, and even some republicans who admire his honesty.
Now go back to your work. I wouldn’t want any of you to miss quotas.
You know, I have only joked about it but if you really think about it, it is a scary proposition that would affect us throughout the rest of our lives and also Sander’s.
I want to believe that the dude is a force for good but that he just isn’t really ready for all that goes with the position that he is applying for. Which he isn’t. Hopefully he’ll learn and grow from the experience and the Nader thing just remains an awful memory that won’t die.
I was about to comment, as I did on the Sanders thread, that the brevity of the thread was remarkable, but it sounds like there are a few diehards still out there, twisting slowly in the wind, waiting for Senator Sanders to let them off the hook.
I just can’t trust him. He’s getting worse and worse now that he realizes he’s lost.
Yes he is. He has/had the opportunity to finish with grace and to be respected on a much bigger stage but he’s tossing that aside and schticking to the game plan.
Remember, Stay the Course, I do and it was the strategy of a very simple mind of a puppet.
Bernie is going into surge mode in this metaphor and as we know, that leads to the long crash after.
Hillary may placate him after the election but his status in the Democratic Party is now worse than just an outsider or an insurgent it is a Benedict Arnold or some sort of mole.
It’s a big mistake to be too complacent about a Clinton nomination. Everyone said Ted Kennedy’s senate seat would never go to a Republican. Here is San Diego CA I see Bernie bumper stickers everywhere. The only Hillary sticker I ever see is the one on my car.
It’s a shame she has to note this, so the “journalists” might report some perspective.
We’re electing a president, not a personal guru, holy role model, or point-man in ill-defined intellectual debates of the school. We’re looking to elect someone who can face reality in a dangerously divided country/world and productively stand against the decades-long war of obstructionism. Sanders has proven he is not that person. Your stated faith in his untried favorable numbers is the sure path of Republican victory.