Discussion: Clinton: Indictment Over Emails Is 'Not Going To Happen'

Discussion for article #247157

Ramos going to straight to the GOP talking points/memes. Classic lazy journalism.


Yes, but she answered this quite well. However, this will do nothing to slow the Republicans down as they will make even more outrageous claims all the way up to Election Day.


And the media will keep the false narrative alive, because that’s what they do. They’re not interested in truth, just clicks.


Donald Trump is more likely to be indicted by the American people for his atrocious language and behavior than Hillary by the DOJ.


This is all just ridiculous.


It’s not the classified information, it’s the email about offing Vince Foster. Can’t even get their conspiracy theories straight.


She’s right in that the DOJ won’t indict her, but we don’t know for sure the FBI won’t recommend an indictment. I’ll be pretty mad at her if they do. Certainly not ridiculous for Ramos to ask the question!

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You’re wrong, it IS a ridiculous question because 1) she has no way of knowing what the DOJ or the FBI actually would do so it’s a question for them, not her, and 2) ALL evidence up to this point, including historical evidence from prior Secretaries of States implies she not only did nothing illegal, but she did nothing wrong and that every thing she did do in regards to emails sent, emails received and the email server itself were done according to what was legally allowed at the time.

This is entirely a media driven story at this point and it’s a waste of time to bring it up in a debate unless your goal is to keep that story alive.


It is not a media driven story since we don’t know whether the FBI will recommend indictment. They probably won’t. But we don’t know. That’s the kind of stuff people talk about. The stuff we want to know but don’t.

Or misogynist.

Do you really think if that happened there would be a FBI agent who will retire and give the 'inside" story that she should have put in prison, but she got off by her friends. I bet even if there is no evidence found by the FBI that she did anything wrong, not just a crime, there will a FBI agent that will write a book that will show there was evidence which are total lies. We had that in Bill Clinton administration so we should not be surprised that it will happen again.


The Repubs have gone radio silent on the Ben Ghazi/E male snipe hunts.

They were reaching beyond their wildest dreams as it was, then dummy McCarthy exposed their whole deal and by quitting everything directly after that, they just confirmed the beans that he spilled.

The Repubs will cook up something rotten just before the election, you can count on it, predict it and be ready for it because fear sells even better on four year cycles than it does all the rest.
Hillary fever at the beginning of their fall, I mean autumn, will definitely spread through the heart of the country and down south.

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Not to mention the bottomless fraud of Trump University.

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Throwing smoke and negative innuendo is all the GOP has–I have not heard one plausible policy from them yet in any of their tirades. . .i mean debates.


She is right,it’s not,but it is a Conservatives wet dream.All that has happened so far is a few e-mails sent to her by her staff where retroactively marked classified. It was not even her,it was her staff.

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Only in The Party of Stupid™ and those who listen to their lies.

Speak for yourself. I could not care less…

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Where there’s smoke, there’s fire!!! Or a smoke machine.

I think it is fair to be concerned.

seems that there is no real crime or indictable offense, but the optics aren’t great.

The guy pleading the 5th, then given immunity leads many reasonable people to question why plead 5th, and immunity in exchange for what?

I see no reason to belittle this concern. this could be our nominee and the stakes are high.

it doesn’t have to be a legitimate issue for it to hurt our nominee.

And calls for investigations, and independent counsel and what ever else for the next 8 years - which eventually leads to impeachment based on the lie that a stain on her dress was Thousand Island dressing when in fact it was really Ranch dressing (and happened 6 years after she was Sec of State).

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