Discussion for article #240344
Mrs Teasdale[1]. 2016!!! If she can stand up to Groucho, she can stand up to Trump!!!
[1]The imperturbable Margaret Dumont. Best straight woman ever!
HRC should imagine a quiet sit down with the invisible current and past Mrs. Trumps for a current events discussion…and she could use this device with a variety of issues/situations.
Here’s a suggestion for Hillary from a supporter. You should start taking on Trump directly and harshly, anointing him as the Republican Candidate Presumptive. Just do it. Over and over. Day after day. This is not only the right thing to do, but it will both show courage that Republicans can’t muster and it will ignite support for you among Democrats. It will also force the press to start writing about something other than your email. Yes, let’s make this into a Hillary vs. Trump presidential contest and let’s do it now.
Look at that hair. Can you imagine a Potus so insecure that he has to do a comb over!!!
I can think of few things I would enjoy more than seeing Hillary wipe the floor with him.
Only an actor with a real combover should be allowed to play Trump!!!
And if he insults her, she should say “Oh, no! How can I ever go back to middle school if the coolest boy in the world thinks I’m ugly! I’ll never get on the cheer squad now!”
And then she can point out that he should have outgrown this juvenile behavior long ago.
I think she is just warming up little by little.
Yes, yes and yes!!! Slow and steady etc., tortoise and hair , all those parables come to mind.
Oh, lord. Can we PLEASE change the Constitution to let Obama have a third term? Please? This is the exact sort of stunt politics Hillary always does, where she feels the need to jump in on every news story and use that as her cause for the moment. The only serious response to Trump is to say that he’s entertaining but not a serious contender and leave it at that. When a clown is already making a fool of himself, there’s no reason to join in. But when you play with a clown, you get clowned.
And this is what she always does. For me, her low moment in 2008 was when she agreed with McCain that we needed a foolish gas tax holiday because high gas prices were the story du jour, and she showed how “serious” she was about gas prices by going to a gas station and pumping gas for other people. Like, come on. Meanwhile, Obama didn’t feel the need to do any of this and after a few days the gas price story went away and showed that Obama was right for ignoring it. And Hillary went off to “win” the next news cycle, because the Clintons are still stuck in a 90’s mentality where you have to fight every battle, even when it’s on your opponent’s turf and distracts from your message. Because they don’t really have a message. Their message is to get on the “right” side of the day’s story and then move on to the next one. But that’s not a message, it’s the lack of one.
And that’s one of the things Obama has always done right, as he stays on message rather than going for stunt messaging to get attention. I’m so worried that we’re going to be in for another very long eight years. Anyone who thinks politics is rougher now than in the Clinton years either wasn’t old enough to remember or has a block on their memory, since things are most definitely better now than they were back then. And that’s mainly because the Clintons don’t understand how the game is played but think they do.
Now this is what she needs to do. Way to go Hillary.
Good advice.
I’m torn over this one. Should she go after him with both barrels or should she take the McCaskill (re: Akin) approach and kind of feign fear while quietly cheering him on? That’s a tough call. I’m not sure it would work as well in a presidential race, but it was a brilliant strategy.
Great advice. ------------------------------------------------------------------Hillary, Pick you opponent and let the campaign start right now.
Who’s the male candidate of either party who’s going to call Harumph on his overt sexism? The boys in the R band don’t much notice it, and Fiorina isn’t going to make a dent and pop Harumph’s balloon. HRC has always pursued issues which would better women’s’ lives in this and third-world countries and is doing so in this campaign and is not all an opportunistic “Jumping in on a story.”
Trump does not have the smarts, intelligence, knowledge and wits when it comes to debating policy. HRC would expose him for what he is-- a spoiled brat who has never worked hard one day.
This is true. The manner in which he says these things doesn’t leave room for debate. He just throws his crap out there and waits to see what sticks. What he does have, however, is a narcissistic personality disorder for which there is no known cure or rational response…
Exactly. Just look at his Twitter responses: No substance. Only bully attacks. Insults.
Why does anyone need to? If someone doesn’t already think what he said was ridiculous, they never will. This is now a major news story, and it doesn’t require Hillary to challenge the guy to a fight over it. She would do best to stay on topic and insist that Trump isn’t a serious candidate and doesn’t need to be addressed.
Besides, I’m not convinced it was sexism. Trump is a bully who will say anything to knock his opponent. How is this different from all the guys he’s attacking? When Trump attacked Jeb for being “low energy” is that an attack on old white dudes who are past their prime? I mean, that hurt Jeb enough that he felt the need to insist that he’s not low energy, which is a classic victim move, because it takes the bully’s taunts seriously. And Trump responded by creating an ad with the sole purpose of repeating the attack; which is a classic bully move. And now Hillary’s making the same mistake, by treating the bully like his taunts need to be addressed; which is what the bully wants. He’s a clown trying to get attention, and when you play with clowns, you get clowned. And if she attacks him over this, he’ll just repeat the attack again and his fans will love him more for it.
The best advice is to ignore Trump because he’s not a serious candidate. Not unless Hillary stays off message by feeling the need to make him look more legitimate. And the more she defends Fiorina against being called ugly, the less she’s talking about real issues like the wage gap and whatnot. This is one of the big reasons Hillary lost in 2008, because Obama stays on message and Hillary doesn’t even know what the message is.
And yes, she jumps on every news story she can, and you like that because you want someone who responds to every news story. But that’s what bloggers do, while political candidates should find a strong message and repeat it every day, regardless of what the media wants to talk about. That’s how Obama won two terms in the Whitehouse with a larger percentage of the vote than Bill got. Because Obama knows how to stay on message and the Clintons don’t even know what a message is.