Discussion for article #233929
Hillary Clinton is saying the right things, and that’s good. Let’s keep the pressure up now and through the primary, general, and her two terms as president to make sure she sticks to it.
During the Clinton administration in the late 90’s, Hillary Clinton asked Elizabeth Warren to brief her on bankruptcy policy. Warren praises Clinton for being fast learner, and understood the issues to the core - and ready to fight for what’s right: stopping the bankruptcy bill. Hillary single handledly stopped the bill through her influence in the administration having Bill veto it in 2000. Good on her.
Skip forward to when Hillary Clinton is now Senator from New York. She then votes in favor of the bankruptcy bill.
This is a story Elizabeth Warren told Bill Moyers back in 2004.
I know Elizabeth is not running, and that’s ok, she has been and will continue to provide much of the left-ward pressure required (along with Obama, Bernie, et al.) in order to keep the debate framed on these issues. We must keep Clinton to the left during the primary and general, and stick with it during her terms.
I think the email thing was completely overblown by the NYT. They need to retract the story and set the record straight. The law only required a government email for SoS in 2014 and Clinton was not SoS at that time. The official government email for SoS didn’t exist until John Kerry! This whole thing is completely and utterly bogus.
I’d love to see President Hillary Clinton appoint Elizabeth Warren to the Supreme Court. Anyone with me on that?
Elizabeth Warren turns 66 years old this year. A president who wants to put her stamp on the court should be thinking of nominees about twenty years younger than that.
Seconded, @Livi_O. And I want Warren in the Senate as long as she can stand it, giving voice and force to “her” issues as nobody else can.
And right on, @Van_Hammersly. Clinton’s smart enough to know which way the political winds are blowing (shoot, even the Republicans get it); and it’s worth remembering that progressivism is in her DNA (Bill’s staffers would complain that she was always trying to pull him to the left). But she’s also a pragmatic pol, so we’ll have to stay involved, in a positive, productive way, to make sure the wisdom of the progressive course is always clear. For every Democrat, actually.
No problem: Michael Tomasky at Daily Beast has broken the whole things down. When it came out, right away here I said I figured ‘timing’ would be the answer and that there were ‘tells’ in the NYT story.
[Sure enough …][1]
Of course, Jebbers already had waded right in, presumably to allow room to preach, My brother is an smooth operator, but I am an hairy operator. I think what we’re starting to see in Jebbers is the same problem with stray rakes already shared by Sideshow Bob and Waterslide Marco. Whack … whack … whack…
[1]: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/03/03/hillary-email-scandal-not-so-fast.html
She could Obama on the court. Pretty tough to filibuster a former POTUS who got out clean as he will.