Discussion: Clinton Expands Lead Over Trump In New National Tracking Poll

Up today tied tomorow,unreal.

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A 5 point lead actually does not show a tight race. I’d like to know some swing state polls, but the trending seems good. Electionbettingodds has Clinton heading up again.




We need every one of those young voters Hillary supporters spoke derisively of when Bernie was rumning. We are also going to have to motivate minority voters to the polls. Do you still think hurling insults is the best approach? What about “we will almost address your unreasonable issues you ignorant children?”

By the way this is a national survey. We elect presidents state by state. It is a good sign that Trump is still Trump.


NBC News-Survey Monkey national tracking poll out Tuesday,

Guess who is the monkey?


I’m awaiting new reputable polls from NC (Upshot/Siena will publish one soon) and CO.


Sam Wang at Princeton Electoral Consortium (who has been more accurate than Nate Silver and his blog) have HRC at 80 % probability of winning and 308 electoral votes this AM. Of course this is down from the salad says of 320 EV and a 90 % plus probability of winning, but I will take it.

HO had an opportunity to sound credible and Presidential on terrorism the topic on which he has projected a polling confidence lead, and he managed to reveal his across the board mean spirited adolescent lack of seriousness or chops. I dont believe in people on the fence at this late date. And I certainly dont believe in any former GOP appointed official or political operative appearing on TV who claims to still be on the fence after what HO has now amply revealed of himself.


The TPM Poll tracker doesn’t show the race at 50 - 44.4. It shows it at 45 - 44 4. An unwillingness to pay for a shoddy product is why I don’t subscribe to TPMPrime.


This is going to continue. I truly believe Donnie doesn’t want to be elected and is doing everything outrageous to make sure he loses, but his followers are too stupid to realize it.


She’s expanding her lead?

Don’t worry, the press will stop that soon enough, can’t have a nail biting, down to the wire ratings extravaganza if she starts running away with it.

AP did the job last time with the Clinton Foundation hit piece, wonder who’s turn it is next?


Clinton has hit 50% a number of times across a lot of different polls since the primaries ended. Candidates that do that don’t lose.


“The NBC-Survey Monkey poll was conducted online between Sept. 12-18 among 14,326 adults who say they’re registered to vote, of whom 13,320 are likely voters.”

If this statement means that only those who has Internet connection voted, this poll is worthless. It’s like the 1936 poll that polled only people who had phones. Alf Landon was going to win in a landslide. He won two states. Trump is incompetent and an egomaniac, but Hillary has an image of old and sick, and she’s not very personable. Biden should have run. Gore should have run. America is a very bad way.


Good morning to you and the rest at the Trump Tower of Mordor!


What’s going on in Colorado? I was surprised by recent polls there showing Trump leading-Arizona and Nevada I could see, but Colorado has been Dem for a while. ???

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I was damn nervous in the aftermath of her “deplorables” comment and her illness. That was a bad weekend. But then Trump held his birther press conference, and congratulated himself again after another attack, and I started breathing easy. I honestly just don’t think people will break late for him. If anything, the opposite. I predict she will maintain a steady but slight lead into the election, now only 7 short weeks away.

Of course there are the debates, which are an absolute minefield for both. I’ve no doubt she will hold her own and sound confident and more than capable. But he will, simply by showing up and not vomiting, be declared as “exceeding expectations” and appearing “presidential.” Mark my words: that will be the meme arising from the first debate for sure. We will know a lot more a week from now.


Planning to make America grate again, are we?


Agree. Panic is unstrategic and self-indulgent.


I’m glad for some good polling news. Trump signs are popping up like turd blossoms where I am.


Do you understand how the TPM tracking poll works? This comment clearly says you don’t

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