Discussion: Clinton Expands Lead In Suffolk U National Poll Following Debates

This is the only kind of graph I can wrap my head around-- Hillary headed up, Trump headed down. Anything else causes MAJOR cognitive dissonance


The most striking result in this poll: Clinton’s net unfavorability is down to minus-1 (46/47), while Trump’s is minus-30 (31/61). Time to retire the narrative of both candidates being equally unpopular.


I don’t know if this will help any, but draw a best-fit line through the poll lines and you’ll see this:


The problem with this survey is that it oversampled people likely to vote for Clinton. :grinning:


The only site I bother to ever look at is 538. I intensely dislike polls, think that people are starting to vote as polls indicate who is winning the latest MSM horse race. Why? Because a significant number of adults in this country really are stupid.
Which then makes it easy for the GOTP to snap them up because the stupid seem to gravitate to the Authoritarian Follower segment of the GOTP Fascist/Authoritarian base.
Which then makes me wonder, given that HRC has, according to 538, an 84% chance of winning, what the trumpbots and the GOTP Teahadists will do in the days after the election.
MPO is that the trumpbots and the Teahadists will leave the GOTP due to the way the GOP has put down and ignored both fragments of the GOTP. In any case that would, in my opinion turn fundraising into a truly massive problem, making it hard, especially for the down ticket people, to pay off their election debts.
Also making it far more difficult in the future for presidential candidates
Set aside lots of popcorn for the postelection fratricidal actins by the GOTP. Hope that the teahadist faction gets beat up next month.
Remember congress has only 11% favorable and since the GOTP took over the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014 they have not even been able to do that they were supposed to do, thus the(again) CR
But as long as 70% of the voters can’t be bothered to vote in an off year, the teahadist gop will continuely be reelected due to the GOP base, which is only about 25% of every states registered voters.
Hopefully, the fraking "freedom caucus " is no longer the minority that runs the House, because those Teahadists are out to destroy the country


Trump: Putin and Assange will clinch it for me. The delay is because Assange lost his internet.

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That does help. TPM should consider doing this from now until Nov. 8 to calm shaken members of the electorate such as myself :wink:

It’s going to be fine.

I voted today and I couldn’t believe how many people were there. There were almost no parking places and at least a dozen people ahead of me. I have never stood in line to vote early. It looked almost like election day.

You know the CW: high turnout means Democrats win because there are more of us than of them.


Not surprising, really. Hillary’s unfavorable ratings required years of negative story lines concocted by armies of right wing operatives and pumped by them, relentlessly, through a firehose, at the media. She had a significant net positive a few years ago. In contrast, Trump has managed to make himself unpopular all by himself in just a year’s time - basically because he is at his core an uncouth, totally unprincipled egomaniac who is completely unfit to be president of his local PTA, not to mention the USA.

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I think you’re conflicted. You’re trying to show good news for Progressives using Regression!


The only thing that worries me about polling right now is if they are getting the models right about who will vote. I have strong misgivings about some of them…one of the right leaning pollsters had the black vote going 20% for Trump which seems laughable. Others are likely modeling based on who says they are likely to vote compared to last time around. The big question is how the voters will differ…this is a strange year, and we don’t know yet what will happen with Trump supporters and the Republicans in general. Add in the voter suppression efforts, which polling won’t capture, and it makes things really dicey.

I don’t think we have to worry about Clinton winning at this point, she’s up in too many states to lose the electoral vote. The Senate is the big question, she really needs the Senate so she can get her appointments and judges through…I really believe that a Republican Senate would refuse to seat her appointees, and we’d have a temporary management in place and the government would grind to a halt. That just can’t be allowed to happen.

Somebody has motivated voters in a bigly, if not YU-U-UGE way. I have never seen this kind of turnout in early voting here in Dallas Co. They aren’t turning out like this to vote for Trump - I know that. Where I vote early, there are a lot of Hispanic and African American voters and a lot of young voters.

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Exactly. Get everyone you can to the polls, whether to early voting or on Nov. 8. Overwhelm the polls and turn the Congress BLUE!!!

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My biggest comfort throughout this whole shitshow has been that Trump has motivated an historic number of Latinos to register to vote for the first time. The irony of this is delicious. It will be a gift to the democrats that keeps on giving.