Discussion for article #245803
Hillary Clinton should be thankful for Bernie Sanders. Yes, she’ll likely win this race in the long run—I’d put the odds at that to be at least 10:1 for Clinton. But Sanders has kept this race from being a coronation so far, and is forcing Clinton to hone her message. If she thinks Sanders is tough, wait until she faces that Koch and Adelson money in November.
Hillary Clinton is still too much the old way of doing business in Washington. If she plans on winning the nomination she needs to be more progressive and state what she is going to do, people don’t want to hear the same old stump speeches of yesterday, but hear more things like Bernie is saying. Bill Clinton was a Conservative Democrat when he was in office and I’m afraid that Hillary will be just another right wing Democrat who wouldn’t get anything done. We need to shake things up in Washington by being much more Progressive in see that change is taking place and taking on and beating back Wall Street and the Billionaires. But nothing will change unless we also change Congress, and that starts by voting out every single Republican and Blue Dog Democrat in Congress.
For those who know clinton for what she truly is, we need to spread that word. We need a person that we think will act in the interests of the American citizen and not one that speaks to every single need in humanity just to secure votes and then walks away like she has done in the past. She truly has an advantage and may very well win if we do not fight for the integrity we want in a president.
I am a former dem woman (now independent because of her) that has observed her behaviors. She does not make me proud of her… to be my president…just the opposite. And I am not fooled by her double talk that she is not influenced by her vast donations from financial institutions. One does not need to hide anything if there is nothing to hide. As Pat Smith said, ‘bullfeathers’.
Does Hillary really believe in the rule of law? Not just lip service like Obama , I still want to see bankers in handcuffs for the pain family went thru I do not want to hear it’s time to move on as Obama stated re war crimes or even a truth and reconciliation commission.