Brava, Let 'er rip, H!
Trump and Pence have the faux Christians and the christianists covered.
This is what a professional campaign looks like.
Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast
After a week of false starts and speculation regarding Trump’s choice of vice presidential candidate, it only took fifteen minutes for the Clinton campaign to tweet a video highlighting Pence’s political record.
You know they just sat there going “now?” “wait a minute”… “now?” “wait a minute”… “OK now !”
Exactly. I’m sure they had about 10 of these made up covering pretty much any possible pick.
Breaking: Slightly OT…But this sounds promising:
Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka, and his son Donald Junior have all been named in a lawsuit involving a massive tax avoidance scam related to four Trump-branded real estate deals?
You go girl!
Of course they skip the part of the anti abortion legislation that requires all aborted/miscarried to be buried as in have a funeral. Thats just mean
Jill Stein could do better! In a HEAD to HEAD race against Trump she beat Billary the CORPORATE fascist WARMONGER! I could show you photos, REAL PHOTOS of dead people in a WAR ZONE! Vote JiLL STein! Make America Exceptionally Greenish Again!
This is precisely why I don’t believe he’s a safe, “do no harm” pick. Yes, in the eyes of the batshit conservative, Ted Cruz wing of the Republican Party Mike Pence is a great choice. In the eyes of the moderate, suburban wing of the party Pence is a doubling down on exactly the element they already hate. It’s a marriage of the gay-hating, Bible-beating, misogynistic wing of the party and the redneck, racist, confederate flag waving wing of the party. If you’re a suburbanite with gay and minority friends who really just likes Republican tax policy then this is a disaster. If you’re Jill Stein this is an even bigger disaster. Good luck with your both sideserism, you miserable asshole! But if you’re Hillary Clinton, your job just got a lot easier.
That’s so disgustedly horrible that I can’t hardly believe any person could suggest it…and yet they did.
Clinton is addressing the national NAACP convention in Cincinnati, starting this weekend. Trump was extended an invitation to speak on Sunday, the day before the GOP convention starts, and declined.
But the blacks love him!!! He’ll win the blacks!!!
Sing a song of Trump-Pence
No use asking why
Forty million bigots
Spittin’ in our eye
And when we started weeping
They all began to sing:
“America is great again,
Now bow before our King!”
All one of them!
Nader 2000!
(I know you were snarking… That’s what I comment under any Facebook post I see about Stein or Weld)
The Trumppence ticket. Not worth a tuppence.