Discussion for article #243954
This reminds me of Obama’s masterful phrase, when Romney was
walking the plank about the President’s supposed failure to call out “terrorism”
in the hours after Benghazi—“Proceed, Governor.”
Here, Sanders’ campaign is all over the place—we did nothing wrong, and what we
did do wrong was for a good reason, and they might have done something wrong to
us first, or at the same time, or in the future, and you’re not being FAIR!
Proceed, Bernie.
I’m holding Mrs. Clinton responsible for whatever happens next. It could be a good thing for her, or a bad thing. Her choice.
Debbie Wasserman-Shultz is entirely Hillary Clinton’s creature; which is why she remains chair of the DNC despite the fact that Shultz has overseen the worst number of losses and defections to the party in nearly 100 years. Shultz is verifiably incompetent. Her only claim to fame is that she does HRC’s bidding in all things.
So I am holding HRC responsible for this debacle. And it would be in Mrs. Clinton’s best interests to consider the opinion of myself and those like me. Now let me tell you why.
People like me have worked formally on campaigns. They’ve committed time to Wellstone and DFA training on Canvasing; Voter ID; Targeting; Outreach; etc. They serve on local and state executive committees, and are in fact the cogs that make the party wheel move. And until today I was okay with whomever won the nomination, ready to move on and play a role regardless.
But this bit of underhandedness by HRC’s former Campaign manager Debbie Shultz has completely changed that for me.
Hillary and Debbie take people like me for granted at their own peril.
The IT department could have put a stop to this, but their arrival would have been too late to help matters and they were therefore ordered to stand down.
So if they don’t kiss your patootie, what will you do to hurt them back? Pout and don’t do everything possible to make sure we have a Dem in the White House next year? Sit home and not vote?
All that accomplishes is to risk the make up of SCOTUS for at least a generation.
I don’t care much for sore losers or victimhood on either side.
And I don’t care much for rigged games, but there you are. Please feel free not to consider me in your political calculus; just don’t expect me to walk the neighborhood or run the numbers on my voter files to help you pick up a win. You go right ahead and be a sucker if you want too, Jinx.
Like I said can handle a straight forward loss at the convention, but not as a result of this kind of shit.
Terrabytes of RAM, sitting around Diego Garcia waiting to be deployed - but nada. Thanks Obama.
What did I miss? It was a third-party vendor that let down the firewall, and apparently several Sanders campaign officials took advantage of it to roam around in Clinton’s data for a bit. What is Hillary supposed to have done wrong here?
Shes winning by 30 points, that’s what she is doing wrong.
A commendably even-tempered response. I just hope that the candidates go on, without making this into the cause of the kind of all-out war that the Republicans wage.
Whether Shultz is operating independently or on instructions from Clinton, is really irrelevant. Cutting Sander’s campaign off at the knees for the actions of one staffer is clearly being used as opportunity by Clinton’s former campaign manager to injure her closest opponent.
So as this is being done to benefit HRC by a well established ally of hers I am therefore holding her responsible.
Yes that must be it. This is all a ruse in order for Hillary who is up 30 in the polls to somehow find a way to stop Sanders.
So, in other words, if you perceive it to be ‘rigged’, you won’t work to keep SCOTUS out from under GOTP control? Got it.
There are far greater concerns about the future of this country than your hurt fee-fees.
Ahem, the Sanders campaign didn’t follow the rules that they, themselves, signed on to – including the penalties & sanctions in the letter of agreement with the DNC… and it was the actions of at least 4 staffers at this point, so do keep up.
Its already a settled matter that it’s rigged according to 1781. They didn’t have a debate each week and therefore its all a scam. Even though the debates aren’t really showing that it helps Sanders.
Sure, whatever.
I’m betting HRC will come to regret this can of worms. I guess we’ll find out.
If your goal was to persuade, let me be honest in saying you did not succeed.
I get it: you’re squarely in the Bern camp and anything that pierces that bubble is apostasy… and I thought Trump supporters were dense.
There isn’t a way to persuade you.
Its like talking to a climate denier.