Discussion: Clinton Campaign Manager: No ‘Damage Was Done’ By Latest FBI Review

I’ll just second the Rude Pundit here; whip the Trumps supporters out of the public square. And that includes Richard fucking Burr.


I’m all for optimism and a positive outlook,but while the Comey debacle may not have changed the trajectory of the POTUS race, it may have swung some tight Senate races in a red direction. And it certainly poisoned the post-election waters for Madame President, as the initial letter and subsequent retraction just fueled up the RWNJ fever swamp, again.


Well, obviously Comey’s letter didn’t have any effect on the election. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have done it, would he? I mean law enforcement has policies and guidelines about interfering in politics, right?

Oh, and coal-fired power plants don’t pollute the atmosphere either.


What a study in contrasts: Look at Mook’s smiling, relaxed face compared to Kellyanne’s ravaged visage. She looks practically like she’s dying of consumption.


Or like she wishes she was. Which she probably does.

But also bear mind, Mook is an actual campaign manager, Conway is not. Conway is basically an overpowered press secretary/communications director in normal campaign terms. She doesn’t run any of the day - day stuff.


I said it before, and I’ll say it again … Robby is the baby-faced brass knuckle brawler who eats data for breakfast and washes it down with a Venti latte. HRC made a great choice for her campaign manager, and he’s got several more winning campaigns in his future.


“I think the American people have heard enough about this email matter,” he replied. (Robby Mook)

A-fucking-men, Robby.


I agree with you but it’s done. Get through the election and then take action. I think when this is all over WOMEN will be mightily pissed off at the actions of certain men. The chastising in July and the commenting on an ongoing investigation in October. WTF was Comey THINKING? It comes across as paternalistic BS.

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I so love the vid teams supporting Sec. Clinton. They are great.

"Change just ONE word."


More like she’s dying of a toxic mix of hate, lies, and overweening stupidity.


The good part of Comey’s flub is that it exposed the corrupt cronyism between Giuliani et al and the insubordinate authoritarian sleeper cell in New York’s FBI Office. The incompetent fashion in which Giuliani and Kallstrom boasted of their backdoor communications surely should lead to some Hatch Act investigations.

The bad part is that the lost momentum caused by FBI interference may have ended up costing the Dems two or three Senate seats. I still think we’ll get the majority (with Kaine) – but only barely and quite possibly not at all.


I have to wonder for my own sanity how much longer we’re going to have to put up with Rudy Giuiliani. Isn’t he getting really old, I hope?

Goddamn he’s repulsive beyond belief.


Message discipline! When they go low, we go high!

Regardless of what you think of Hillary Clinton, she has run an excellent campaign. Her team is a far cry from the Mark Penn operation of 2008. It is as if she is a totally different candidate, and will be a fine President. Go VOTE!


I already voted but yeah, she has run a nearly flawless campaign. I agree with you.

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I agree there needs to be a thorough criminal investigation of this FBI caper and the rogue FBI agents involved feeding Kallstrom and Giuliani and doing their bidding. I read over the weekend that the head of the FBI agent union stepped down late last week with a statement attacking Director Comey. On first reading it can be interpreted as objecting to the politicization of the Clinton email investigation, but I believe it was a protest of the pending Sunday announcement that there was no “there” there, yet again, after years of investigating. The role of fictional book Clinton Cash and the Bannon-Bossie-Roger Stone discredited rumor industry also needs to be fully explored. And FOX news announcements that Indictments were likely and that the Clinton Foundation investigation was finding proof of criminal conduct. The Holy Grail of a Clinton Disqualifying Event still exists in the fevered minds of Right Wing Military, Police and FBI types all over this land.

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I’ve been thinking this. If the worst comes to pass, it won’t be the fault of our candidate. She demolished Trump in the debates. Her performances should have sealed the election. It’s shocking and unnerving that they didn’t, but well, here we are.