Discussion: Clinton Camp: We’ll Release ‘Additional Medical Information’ In Next Few Days

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I don’t want to be a concern troll. But this concerns me, only because, given Chris Cilliza’s immediate response saying her health “just became a major issue in the campaign,” I don’t trust the media to evaluate it objectively. I need some reasurance. I do think, trough my bias, that it isn’t that big a deal. And I’m glad that there was an explanation and that it is something that is treatable and transient.

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I think she needs to suck it up and just release her complete medical records. Is it fair? No. Do I think Trump will reciprocate? Hell no.

But at this point there have been too many “bad optics” moments. Releasing them isn’t going to convince any of Trump’s supporters but it may reassure some of the undecideds.

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shrug. Seems reasonable.


So in a few days, HRC will have released far more medical info, as well as her tax returns, while Donnie provides a 5 minute drive-by health report, and no tax returns because “it wouldn’t be politically helpful”.

And the MSM dozes on…


Trump: I will accept her health information only if it shows she is in poor health.


She has released decades worth of complete tax returns and the Clinton Foundation is an open book – total disclosure of financial information and donor lists, which it isn’t required to do.

How has the MSM rewarded her for her transparency? By using these disclosures to try to whip up scandals where there are none.

And her opponents total lack of transparency? No problem as far as this worthless press is concerned. Nothing disclosed means nothing to investigate.

No wonder she’s been guarded with her health records and yet she’s still released more than Trump has.


Some will continue to harp. But she will release records and then onus will be on him to release.

I think if she releases a compendium and he STILL doesn’t release adequate records or taxes. It’s gonna come up at debates. And her surrogates need to bring this up repeatedly.

Take a lesson from the trump surrogates. Whatever he question, just redirect at taxes, health records, pay for play donations to fl and tx, and trump foundation records. Do not answer questions. Just keep bringing it up. Repeatedly. And mention his obesity. Constantly.


And, every arm chair “doctor” who has never laid eyes on her will weigh in. Still, best to get this out there so the breathless media can move on to another manufactured outrage.


In ‘retrospect’ my ass. For the entitled little media class to ‘assume’ that when you get sick your FIRST priority should be to inform them is getting out of hand.


So now the speculation will turn to “what didn’t she reveal” when the records are released… and Trump?

His promised records release will be like his press releases about his fundraising: overblown, hard to decipher and largely accepted by the media, because: equivalency.

Pneumonia is an infection that is routinely diagnosed & successfully treated.

Alzheimer’s is a debilitating impairment that is un-treatable… and Drumpf’s family history is replete with it – not that anyone in the press will even go there.

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From the looks of it, the house is now off the table, the senate is slipping away. Right now the best we can hope for is a narrow Clinton win in November. What a catastrophe.

And nothing short of a televised CAT scan will do for Jim Axelrod.

Trump: I would like her doctor to provide the number of days he/she expects Hillary to live. I bet she doesn’t make it to election day. She will die coughing.


This is a major issue in the campaign if she keeps experiencing similar episodes. Otherwise, all she needs to do is keep holding impromptu press conferences like the one she had last week. Not only do they help improve her relationship with the press, but seeing is believing. If you consistently see someone giving speeches and holding press conferences, after a while, no matter your previous doubts, one can’t help but to accept that maybe there’s nothing wrong with her.


It’s not even quite mid-September. Calm down. We haven’t even had a debate yet. House and Senate races don’t tend to settle down until mid October.


Here’s your reassurance

The simple fact is that there is zero evidence that anything is seriously wrong with Clinton. If suffering an occasional coughing fit is evidence of a major health problem, then 75 percent of the country must have that mystery illness. And I am one of them.

Cillizza is a flip flopping arse.

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was never on the table, even during that ‘Philadelphia summer’.

that’s debatable. Sam Wang has the number at even, so Kaine would be the tie breaker.

which part? that every battleground state is a supposed dogfight or the idea that Trump can’t keep most of the gains that he garners in the EV column.


then they need to call him on it.

If they fail to do so, then they need to be called on it

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these topics should be enough to tick him off

especially this one

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