Discussion: Clinton Camp Hits Trump For Pushing 'Deranged Conspiracy' On Her Health

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“Deranged.” I like that word. It describes everything about Trumpf and his campaign.


When ya got nothin’, all the Drumpfster’s can do is lie like a cheap orange toupee.


Trump: “Crooked Hillary spoke from her raised hospital bed today, calling me deranged. Me! I am more ranged than she will ever be!”


And while the campaign is at it, they might mention the various implausible qualities in that so-called medical report he released that said he’s strong like bull and will be healthiest President EVAH. Thing was laughable.


Deranged works, as do many other choices…


vulgar slang batshit

a/k/a the full Baby Jane


Let’s have the candidates do the first debate from treadmills, turning at a slow walking pace. Then we would see who is healthier and whether claims of the “healthiest candidate ever” have any validity.


OT, but you may not see this. It’s the sort of thing that tends to be relegated to the back pages when it concerns Hillary because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

A letter sent by FBI Acting Assistant Director Jason Herring to the House Oversight Committee confirms that the three emails media is making such hay over did not originate with Secretary Clinton, nor was the use of the term “extremely careless” meant to establish some mythical standard of conduct which did not exist before Director Comey’s statement.


Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts, Ralph! :-}

I really liked this line: Clinton did not send emails with information marked classified in them. She received them.


Geez, you stole my response word for word… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Anyone with a ghastly orange pallor, erratic speech patterns, and a strange hair-like mass growing around their head, really shouldn’t be raising health issues.


It occurs to me that a campaign normally wouldn’t bring to the attention of voters and the media the attacks the other campaign is making against them unless they think the attack is so ridiculous and offensive that it actually bears repeating.


SOMe PEOPle are saying that HITLARY has COLON polYPs that SHE insists are TELLING HEr to set FIREs. I would never saY HITLARY is schizophrenic, but SOME PEople ARE.


And this is why the HRC campaign insisted that those emails be de-classified and made public, before the GOP can distort and falsify what they really say.

As far as her health report is concerned, the right wing wouldn’t believe it unless it came from Dr. Ben Carson…

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And the Trump campaign and the Republicans have ONLY this? ___ oh, and Emailghazeeeee’ !
Next: Monica?..Whitewater?..Vince Foster?..wash, blather & repeat

Oh it is working Repukes…Just a little more and you’re off to the races. Giddyup’


Being the very rich and very public figure he is, there are many, many, many,
photos (receipts, if you will) from across the years that would
appear to challenge the picture of dietary health of America’s favorite
racist. Photographic evidence would appear to point to a predilection
for sugary snacks and red meat—seemingly major no-nos for anyone
claiming to be the “unequivocally healthiest.”

Wendy’s on his custom Boeing 757 while campaigning with Jerry Falwell
Jr. in Iowa. McDonald’s with advisers during a swing through New
Hampshire. Two eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and two biscuits at the
Ham House during a pit stop in Greenville, S.C.
The world is his oyster, but that’s not what he’s consuming. The front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination eats like a teenage boy, inhaling Filets-O-Fish and Big Macs. “It’s great stuff,” he says of his fast-food habit.

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Why even acknowledge this shit?

Hey Donald! Show me your tax returns AND a certified statement from your doctor indicating the current state of your mental health.