Discussion: Clinton Blasts Trump's 'Degrading And Insulting' Comments On Khan Family

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I suspect/assume this should be “doesn’t tremble”


“To launch an attack as he did on Captain Khan’s mother, a Gold Star mother, who stood there on that stage with her husband honoring the sacrifice of their son,” she told reporters, according to CBS News. "I don’t know where the bounds are. I don’t know where the bottom is."



“I don’t know where the bounds are. I don’t know where the bottom is.”

Nor does Trump, but in his relentless effort to find it, he’s gonna go down swingin’.


“And what has he heard from Donald Trump? Nothing but insults and degrading comments about Muslims — a total misunderstanding of what made our country great, religious freedom, religious liberty. It’s enshrined in our Constitution, as Mr. Khan knows, because he’s actually read it.” (Soon-to-be Madame President Clinton)

Oh, Donnie … another ripped asshole for you, dude! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I predict we will reach it before long, if we have not already done so. In a just world, this would also mean the complete disintegration of the Republican Party; unfortunately, we live in this world.


It’s diplomat-eese for SMH.


There are no bounds, and no bottom–especially for the GOP enablers. And Yeah–I’m talking to you Ryan and McConnell.


“I don’t know where the bounds are. I don’t know where the bottom is.”

There is none with Trump. Like Peak Wingnut, it’s an asymptotic limit. You can get closer and closer to the bottom but you will never, ever actually reach it. There will always be somewhere lower he can go.

3 more months of this to come, folks. I can’t wait to see Trump’s concession speech on Nov. 8th. It will be a tantrum for the ages.


I think WE CAN all agree It’s DISGRAceFUL THE waY HitarLY HAs BEEN disparaging the PAREnts OF A HERO. There ARE LOTs of PEOPle TELLING TRUMP THAT THE KHAns arE FURIOUS with HITLARY Mocking ISLAM and CALLing INTO question THAt THEir sON IS not a PATRIOT but a RADICAl ISLAM TERRORist. Sad and Pathetic.

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Helluva poll bump coming for Madame President…


It won’t be a speech. Just a tweet: “System was rigged by lying Hillary. Too bad for America. Sad.”

Then he’ll meet with his attorneys to see which fraud trial he has to attend first.


He will never concede. He’ll try to get the electors to ignore the will of the electorate.


Learning from Bernie?

There is no bottom. Trump has no bottom. There are no depths to which he will not stoop.


Hush, Hush, Hillary, please don’t disturb Donald, he is busy campaigning…


trumpet will never concede through a speech or a Twitter or anything else. When he loses, he will sue for a recount, and will tie up the legitimate results of the election for months. If the Rs have anything to do with granting him a recount, the real winner may not be announced for months long past inauguration day. And so, the third Obama term we’ve always wanted will begin.

Sadly, I think not. It’s Trump all the way down.

He’s been like this all his life, and despite the entreaties of his staff, he cannot change. He will sink lower and lower. The astounding thing is, how many of his disciples are willing to sink with him.


Talk about an encore. The show must go on!

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I could not agree more with this. He won’t concede. Just as he is so insecure that he can’t admit when he is wrong, he certainly won’t admit defeat to a woman. He will also do all he can to further stoke the anger in his base. Seriously, he will claim he won and that everything is rigged against him.