Discussion: Clinton Bashes Trump's Israel Wobbliness In AIPAC Speech

I’m a strong supporter of the secular Jewish state that was created 1948, and it’s a willful denial of history to pretend that Arab intransigence and hostility to Israel hasn’t been a fact during its entire existence. Abba Eban was right in 1973 when he said “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

But it’s not 1973 any more. I believe that Israel’s policies in the occupied territories in 2016 stink, especially the continuing construction of settlements and abuse of Palestinians, and the abuse of human rights by the IDF goes on daily. The ultra-Orthodox influence in the Knesset, and in the Netanyahu government in particular, makes a mockery of Israel’s original secular beginnings, and contribute to the atmosphere of religious-based hatred on both sides of the divide. AIPAC does nothing but further the situation, and its intransigent, screeching opposition to any Israeli or American politician who even breathes a word of criticism of the Israeli policies in the occupied territories is as destructive of the prospects for peace as is Arab aggression and violence. My use of the term “occupied territory” would alone be enough to ensure immediate and vociferous condemnation by AIPAC.

And this is entirely beside AIPAC’s connivance with Netanyahu’s naked attempts to scuttle the Obama administration’s policy on Iran, and AIPAC’s open encouragement of near-seditionist asswipes like Senator Tom Cotton, who overtly attempted to intervene in American policy. So AIPAC can go fuck itself.


Kudos to Bernie Sanders for not showing up


As much as I am a Hillary supporter, I am not a Zionist. I am very pro-Two State Resolution. Israel needs to get the fuck out of the areas that belong to the Palestinians. By the same rod, Palestinians need to quit their attacks at all costs. Both of these peoples are so beautiful and culturally vibrant. There should be no reason they can’t live side by side in peace.


I clearly was talking about HRC’s speech in front of AIPAC. And as far as the admin goes, it’s clear that Kerry was far more critical toward Israel than Clinton had been, though it was still woefully short of adequate.


But he did show up to Liberty Univ. to tell them about how Wall Street banks needed to be broken up and the revolution. And vote for him.


There are rumors circulating in political circles that Trump has been given a speech and advised to hew very closely to what is written, lest he step in some deep shit as he flails about the podium and ad libs in his usual fashion.

I confess, I will miss this the most about Obama, and it is what I like least about Clinton: more kowtowing to Israeli (Likud really) interests. Hillary will hardly be any more credible than Dumbya about being an idependent broker.

AIPAC is not anti-Nazi or even representative of US jews, much less Israel; AIPAC is the Likud political action committee and it’s not clear they hold the same sway they once did in the Congress - the sway needed to humble GHW Bush (the last US President to challenge them, until Obama).


I would disagree that they were “toothless.” If nothing else, they still have enough sway amongst certain Senators who listen to AIPAC (Schumer) to make the Administration’s tasks more difficult.


Hillary may merely be taking the opportunity to put her policies and Trump’s in stark relief. Why not use the speech to paint Trump as an incoherent, undependable advocate of Jewish interests? It doesn’t do her any good to say “I kind of find some of what Trump says to make a wee bit of sense.” She’s perfectly free to follow a modified path once she’s elected, including a less hard line stance with the Palestinians.


I would like that to be true. Time will tell.

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I’d prefer if my Senator or President didn’t feel the need to run things past Schumer for prior approval.


Exactly. A POTUS doesn’t get to cherrypick which confrontations are going to make him/her look good, Lose him/her votes. A mere candidate does and it’s telling.

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Agree, and I’m angry at all the people who say they are angry, but who don’t comprehend what they’re angry about.


I support Hillary, but this kind of blatant pandering to AIPAC leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
No country deserves UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT (especially Israel.)


She’s not contrasting herself with Trump; she’s distancing herself from Obama without having to publicly criticize his policy.

@brooklyndweller up above suggested that HRC wasn’t too big a fan of Bibi (who is an asshole of Trumpian proportions) either, but I think she and Bill have long been on board with the AIPAC agenda, particularly after Arafat walked way from the Wye River accords.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I think her public signalling is very much in line with what real policy will be.

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I was referring to the idea that Schumer may be the next Minority leader. I truly hope this isn’t the case but, as it stands now, it looks like he’s on his way.


Look at it like this: Netanyahu has made it clear that there will be no two state solution on offer. Not happening. It made her life difficult as SoS and as POTUS, it doesn’t give her anything to work with in terms of trying to broker any sort of detante.

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“it is only because of our unwavering support of the israeli government no matter its composition or ideology that we’ve been able to achieve such amazing success in bringing peace to the middle east.”


How very AIPAC of you to insinuate that my criticism of somebody who endorses that organization means I’m not a supporter of that person otherwise. Why, it’s almost identical to AIPAC’s view that any criticism of Israel policy in any sphere means I’m an anti-Semite with signed photos of Yasser Arafat on my wall.

I’ve criticized Hillary Clinton at TPM more than once for a variety of reasons, and I’ve also made comments in her support. For the record, even though I live deep in the heart of Sanders country here in Ann Arbor, I just voted for Hillary in the Michigan primary. I think the notion that she’s Republican lite and is a warmonger eager to feast on the blood of the innocents in pursuit of her neoliberal dreams of conquest is a complete crock of shit, as is the notion that she will be a slavish whore in service to Wall Street interests as President. I’ve openly taken issue here and at other sites like WM and DK with those Sanders supporters who claim they will sit home in November if Clinton gets the nomination; those people are as deserving of contempt to me as Republicans are themselves.

Hillary Clinton is not infallible. She’s not immune from criticism, and if she takes a stand or makes a statement on policy that I disagree with, I’m going to say so. But then I don’t live in a world where I expect unicorns to run for political office. I expect any politician I vote for will, on some issue or another, do something I don’t like. A mature adult doesn’t allow that by itself on a few issues to alter their overall view of a politician, any more than a mature adult allows an aggravating habit or two of their spouse’s to destroy an otherwise healthy relationship.


I recall the Israeli government also butted heads with the George H Bush administration when they held up loan guarantees out of concern the funds would be used to advance construction of settlements.

And JFK also opposed Israel’s efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon.