Discussion for article #230066
His statements are false.
A republican doing what Republicans do best . . . whine.
Well, that didn’t take long.
Inhofe and science are two mutually exclusive entities.
To republicans, clean air is a bad thing. Yeah, that’s a plan.
The GOTP wants US cities to look like Beijing. Polluted to the point of being unbreatheable. If this doesnt motivate the Dems I dont know what will…
I don’t usually wish for really bad things to happen to people like Inhofe.
But in his case, I’m making an exception—I hope he gets so upset with this issue that he strokes out.
He’s stupid, stubborn, and dangerous.
I wonder if he’s “moderating” (I know that’s an absurd word to use) his views as he does not appear to be denying the reality of climate change…
GOP position: Pollution is a sign of economic growth and progress. No pollution, no progress.
There’s line in a Matthew Arnold poem “Dover Beach” that reads,
“Where ignorant armies clash by night”.
In Victorian days, the clash was between the religious and the scientific – at that time Darwin.
How little things have changed.
I believe we’re doomed with this ascendancy of an American Taliban.
WAAAAAA. Mom why does he get to pollute longer than me. No Fair. I hate you. Stomps feet and throws self to floor screaming, crying and thrashing willy-nilly.
And blatantly lie. Of course the media will pull the false equivalency card out and let Inhofe have his say without questioning any of it.
Someone ought to remind him that he is not a climate scientist. But that climate scientists have shown via strong peer-reviewed science that climate change is here now, let alone in the future. And someone also needs to tell him it is not just measured via global temperature trends. There are numerous other measurements and proxies that all say the same thing. Unequivocally.
We should send Inhofe on a one-way climate change tour. First stop, Beijing (with no respirator). Then Moscow followed by a lovely tour of South Miami and a smog-covered respite in Salt Lake City. Final stop: toss him in with the beached walruses in northern Alaska.
I have to wonder how the fantastic scientific achievement of a successful (just announced) 10 year plan to land a probe on a distant comet will be viewed throught the narrow prism of Inhofian Ignorance.
Overheard from a right wing religious nutcase speaking with a colleague about this phenomenon on his Smartphone, “It’s gotta be a hoax promoted by Satan’s minions. I mean, y’all don’t believe in science, do yuh?”
China has increased it’s coal production by over 300% in the last 15 years and appears to be about 4 times the use as in the US. Anything that gets them moving toward either limiting or reducing their coal use is a benefit to the US environmentally. And considering that China meets the vast majority of their coal use through domestic production, there’s not a lot the US can do other than this moral suasion. If this brings them to the table, then so much the better.
The whole 20% goal for non-fossil fuels might not be that great considering China already gets 20% of their power from hydroelectric. Granted, they also have the worlds largest solar production as well.
However, all the statistics in the world won’t do a thing for climate change and Inhofe has still been proven scientifically to be a dick.
Inhofe— Part of the C-Street Family comprised of Xians who denounce Christ.
So many fauXians
So few lions .
God forbid that this fine upstanding public servant should suffer a sudden debilitating stroke that leaves him paralyzed and speechless, yet conscious of that his one dubious contribution to the climate debate known as the Theorem of Inhofian Ignorance is once and for all tossed upon the dung heap of history where all his fatuous fairy tales belong.
Not to disagree. Australia and U.S. export great quantities of coal to China. Inhofe’s belief is based on contributions from energy corporations into his bank account.