Discussion for article #247410
Once Trump is elected this “gun free zone” bullshit will go away.
Just trying to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. All hail the Second Amendment!
And that’s illegal now?
Thanks, Obama!
C’mon. What’s the point of having a gun if you can’t use it to threaten people?
The only thing that stops a bad poll worker with a gun is a good poll worker with a gun.
There were conflicting reports about the charges Bethea faces, however.
WJW reported Bethea was charged for carrying a concealed weapon, having a
weapon under a disability, and marijuana possession for the small
amount of the drug police found in his backpack. Cleveland.com reported that Bethea was arrested on a charge of aggravated menacing.
(tried to bold the “disabled” phrase but it did not work)
Disabled folk cannot have weapons?? whaaa? Am I committing a crime by having had polio as a kid in the 1950’s and subsequently owning a shotgun???23one???
Mental disability, maybe?
yes, that really jumped out at me, too. I suspect it’s another “spelling issue” here…
here’s what I found:
Having Weapons While Under Disability Law & Legal Definition
Law prohibits certain persons like fugitives from justice, drug dependent persons, mentally incompetent persons etc from acquiring, having, carrying, or using firearms. If a fugitive from justice carries firearms he or she is said to have weapon while under disability. However that person may apply to the court of common pleas in the county in which the person resides for relief from such prohibition.
given the description, I think you’re okay, darrtown
Jeez. Where I vote, the poll workers are nice League of Women’s Voters types.
Now I’ll have to wonder if they’re packin’ heat too!
Extremism in the defense of idiocy is a vice.
I’m not so sure. Darrtown, are you, or have your ever been, a Democrat? If so, you are clearly against anti-American expectionalism you Hippie!
Who needs negotiation when you have a gun???
Had me worried there for a moment.
I had a “cold dead fingers” moment.
You say that, but have you ever discussed how to organize/setup the check-in table with those ladies? Let alone schedule who gets first break. It can get mighty ugly.
My poll workers are retired grey beards who would have difficulty getting out of their chairs to swat flies.
As a retired grey beard, I resent that!
WaitWait! Don’t Tell Me …he was wearing a trump T-shirt.
I’m confused…open carry in Ohio is OK, but concealed carry is a no-no? And are they allowing concealed carry into polling stations so long as you don’t pull it out on anyone? These new gun laws around the country are so bonkers. Would be nice to see what the actual law is in Ohio as part of the article. I’m pretty sure pulling it out on someone over an argument is still against the law there…but then, you never can be too sure.
I’m a retired grey beard as well. In fact I actually have a grey beard… it’s not figurative with me. And getting out of chairs with raging osteoarthritis is not for the faint of heart.