Discussion: Cleveland Fires 1 Officer And Suspends 2nd Responsible For Tamir Rice Shooting

So officer Loehmann who shot Tamir is fired for improper paperwork and officer Garmback (the veteran) gets a 10 day suspension for enabling an unfit officer to ambush and kill a 12 year old in a park. Is this progress or business as usual?


Loehmann was fired for inaccurate details on his job application, not for the Rice shooting.

As long as it’s still okay to murder black children. That’s what is important here.

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Babysteps…at least they got rid of one…and the suspension? Hmmmm…I wonder if the policeman ‘gets’ it?


At least Cleveland took some action. Other departments would probably given them promotions. Seriously they should both be serving time, but the tie between the police and local prosecutors is so damn tight justice is really hard to come by.

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It only took 3 years, so I guess that’s progress.