Discussion: Clapper Wrote ‘Almost Identical’ ‘Beautiful Letter’ To Trump And Clinton

Needless to say, that goes without saying. (Yet, i said it anyway. There has to be a grammatical term for that.)

Anyway, i’ve been thinking a lot about that, too. More than that, though, i’ve been wondering just how long Mueller will take before he hands down his indictments, and how far down the totem pole those indictments will flow. Again, it goes without saying that we all are being patient in our waiting. The last thing any of us want is for Mueller to put forth anything less than an iron-clad case of a whole number of charges. Meanwhile, however, the damage to our nation continues to accumulate. Mueller’s investigation and eventual charges will have widespread immediate repercussions. They will also have much longer-term political repercussions for the future of the Republican Party, and more specifically, the 2018 elections. On the one hand, the closer to those elections before Mueller’s grand unveil, the better for Democrats that event will be. On the other hand, refer back to my previous statement about the continuing accumulation of damage being inflicted to this country the longer T rump stays in power. Which hand is preferable? Immediate relief, or long-term final resolution and control of power? I am conflicted between my own two hands. (Insert joke here.) It might be that there fundamentally is not much difference between the two, but too early leaves enough time for Republicans to recover and minimize their losses before 2018. Too late and we could find ourselves in a nuclear war (dead). Thoughts?


The “To whom it may concern” heading would have given the game away to anyone…anyone other than Trump that is.


Here’s a theory that’s certainly believable.



Yeah, there’s a TPM post of that story and I just commented on it. Makes sense to me.

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Ah, I see it over there on the side. Thanks.

Unfortunately that would give him more ammo to go after leakers. Unlike the daily stuff that has been coming out, the release of his medical results might actually be a felony under HIPAA. It might also send him over the edge so it would be interesting.

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Yeah, but is PP a strategic thinker like that? Can he think that far ahead (i.e.midterms)? To me, it seems he cannot. He does not see 3and 4 moves ahead on the chess board like the LAST president.
Mainly he is still playing checkers…:roll_eyes:

I think he does whatever he can to avoid blame and make himself look good. He is the center of his universe.


Agreed. I think Clare had some good points to that effect in her comments above…

I’d love to think he’s going to resign, and he thinks this will protect him from criticism by the base. They’re dumb enough to believe it. However, his troubles won’t end there.

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This stupid Orange Julius thinks standard form letters are praise. He’s even stupider than his followers - and they are literal parasites.


Mueller isn’t working on some time line based on elections. His team is working to ensure they have (several) air tight cases against several Trumpers, most likely eventually including Trump himself. But even saying that, his job is not to indict Trump, its to investigate criminal activity where they find it and pursue those cases. If that eventually leads them to find criminal wrongdoing by the President, so be it. Things like elections, PR efforts, etc. have no bearing upon the job he is doing.

Which is one of the things that is unnerving the Trumpers. Many of them were treating this like a PR game (and probably still are), in that if they can change the MSM narrative, the investigation stops. They freak out when they change the narrative, and the grand juries are still meeting to go over evidence, that subpoenas are still being issued and documents is still being reviewed with a fine tooth comb. But that is what is happening.

The course of action for rest of us is still the same. We have to mobilize and ensure that we have a Democratic House and potentially flip the Senate too (which is a big reach, but that is still the goal). That is the only thing that will expedite Trump’s removal from the Oval Office.


Wait…does that mean HRC and Obama weren’t speaking from the heart in the form letters they sent me after their campaigns?? :smile:

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Is it possible that all his life trump has imagined that the boilerplate polite things people say because he’s rich or they want something from him are actually heartfelt expressions of adoration?


All the way to the bottom.

Trumpty has no morals or values and its proven that no matter what he says or claims, his base will swallow it whole.
Therefore, he continually makes dumber and more outrageous claims that exonerate him at least temporarily until he repeats the process.

What we see as ridiculous, he sees as a wise maneuver. The boneheads that believe are getting what they asked for and loving it.
The entire process is so dumb its smart, at least for President Little Thought/Tiny Digits.

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It doesn’t matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty if you are not going to drink it but instead are going to throw it at somebody’s head.

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Idi Amin comes to mind. Not joking. Narcissistic and vengeful while lacking in strategic thinking to the point of undermining his own position.

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The undelivered letter to Clinton congratulated her on her victory and encouraged her that the intelligence community would be there to serve her. The letter to Trump said the same thing, with a few additional comments.“I went on to say that I hoped he would abide by the long-standing principle of the IC (intelligence community) always telling ‘truth to power,’” he said, paraphrasing the note to CNN.

Clapper said Trump thanked him for the note three times.

People are always saying Trump is on coke or whatnot despite many reports of him being a near teetotaler even in the midst of debauchers. This shows why he almost certainly isn’t doing any drugs. Praise is the only drug he needs; it’s what gets him higher than any drug could. Even when it comes in as memos that a normal person would recognize as being boilerplate form letters, he sees words crafted specifically to say how great and wonderful he is.

This is what feeling like you’re the center of the universe is, and why it’s so terrible when some people don’t like you or acknowledge that “fact”.

Only a clown views a “boiler plate” letter as “beautiful”.

I suppose Trump thinks all flattering Hallmark cards were written with him in mind only, but “might” also apply to other people.