It’s fascinating (and terrifying) - I’ve never seen another human capable of such pure and total projection.
And I remember a line from Jung stating that the most truly courageous act any human can make is the withdrawal of his/her projections… That would make Trump the least courageous person I’ve ever encountered.
Tramp is a lunatic and needs to be dealt with soon.
Standard gambit when criticized. He takes any previous instance of polite compliment or request for a favor and uses it to paint the criticizer as a huge hypocrite. (And if those instances don’t exist he’ll make one up, no problemo.)
This is an eye-roll from Clapper, basically. But what interests me more is his remark the other day about Trump seeming to want an off-ramp from a situation he isn’t enjoying. I doubt that’s idle speculation, since a person in his last job had access to serious psych workups of everybody likely to influence events worldwide and still would informally, given his professional network. He’d know how stressful the Presidency would be for a person of Trump’s deficiencies. And his saying so was probably done purposely. Why? Very interesting.
I wonder if any Republicans will call on Trump to receive the customary President’s physical at Walter Reed and release the results.
Projection, thy name is Republican’t.
It explains every complaint Republican’ts have ever had…
Yes, I would think that for someone in psy-ops, Trump is a specimen for study that comes along once in a career. Whole new fields of study probably open up as possibilities. Ironic that guys like Creosote Clovis won’t be funding a grant to look at it…
Not to worry. If he blows up the world there will be no people or bots to see his Twitter; no cable networks to broadcast nice things about him; and no greens to rut with Golf Cart 1.
The Collaborator in Chief is as General Anthony McAuliffe famously told the Germans at Bastogne: Nuts!
I can’t think of another public figure anything like him—at least outside the entertainment world, which is where he had his greatest and stablest success.
La la la they have their fingers in their ears and cannot hear you la la la
Do you really want to know how much of his brain has been claimed by the syphilis?
Trump has a black friend, therefore he’s not racist. And, he got a nice letter from Clapper, therefore Clapper’s criticism is meaningless and inconsequential.
I’m more interested in the exact finger lengths.
Golly, tao, the glass really is half full!
Used a ‘canned’ boilerplate letter to congratulate all the political operatives being elected that I did not support or trust for 4 decades…Milquetoast …just had the office, date, and name changed…drumpf is an easily manipulated rookie jerk
The ones I supported and admired got a hand written note and future help…
Well, sure. Or Caligula. But you could argue a monarchy resembles a privately held company more than a liberal democracy.
I have thought about that part of Clapper’s statement too. Thing is, donnie always sets the stage before he makes a move, and his repeated and very public criticism of all the Repubs may be a setup for his resigning, with the excuse of “I just can’t work with such inept people. They made promises to me that they broke, they don’t support me”…. etc., etc., blah, blah, blah. That, and he is goading them into saying much the same …. then he can accuse them of betrayal as well.
You mean, there’s some water in the glass? Lookin awful dry to my eye….
The undelivered letter to Clinton congratulated her on her victory and encouraged her that the intelligence community would be there to serve her. The letter to Trump said the same thing, with a few additional comments.
“I went on to say that I hoped he would abide by the long-standing principle of the IC (intelligence community) always telling ‘truth to power,’” he said, paraphrasing the note to CNN.
Interesting that he added comments to the Trump note to the effect that a President should abide by the principles of the relationship between the IC and the President - principles that help keep the country and its citizens safe. There was no need to remind Hillary of that. Too bad Trump doesn’t do well taking advice.