Discussion: Claire McCaskill: 'Majority' Of Senate Republicans Won't Vote Trump

If they publicly distance themselves from him and then vote for him, they’re cowards. If they publicly support him and then don’t vote for him, they’re cowards. Either way…


“Claire McCaskill: ‘Majority’ Of Senate Republicans Won’t Vote Trump.”

Given half a chance in the Senate cafeteria, the majority of them would loogie in his cheeseburger.

And you don’t even want to know what McCain and Cruz would do to him in the Gents…


Probably true, but the part about them wanting to work with HRC is bull.


Excellent troll work.


You had me until you said they (the repukes) would work with her. Really? They are already starting impeachment proceedings (dreaming of) for christ sakes.


It’s almost as if they had a public position and a private position. Who woulda thunk it?


Damn, beat me to it…


Newly coined term for Rs who support him and may or not vote for him (McCain, Cruz, Ryan, McConnell et al) is Vichy republicans. They’re in bed with the enemy as surely as the Vichy government was in bed with the Nazis.

@azjude McCaskill’s talking senate Rs, who knows if she’s right, but the impeachment talk’s been coming from House members so far, including Mo Brooks R from the benighted state of Alabama. In September he said they’d look into impeachment on day one.

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The Petainistas…

That’s pronounced as Palinista for the french impaired…


That’s nice, if true. But the more important question is not whether they’ll vote for Trump, but whether they’ll stand up to him on any issue of consequence if he wins. I’m going to go with no. If, God forbid, Trump wins, the 115th will be the most obedient Congress since the dawn of the New Deal.


Meanwhile, Jonny mc and company are promising to never confirm any of her SCOTUS nominees. That’s not “working” with Hillary to get things done. That’s being their usual trollish obstructionist selves.


Don’t believe this for a moment. Her “colleagues” have had EIGHT years to care about “getting things done” and haven’t been interested. In fact, they have been obstructionist up to the point of shutting the government down more than once. They will try to prevent Hillary from appointing a Supreme Ct Justice if possible. Sorry Claire you are wrong on this one


The Republican Party is the Party of conservative ,yellow ,war mongering draft dodging cowards.
They only know how to talk like a man but when it comes time for them to live up to their talk they disappear.
If you talk war you go to war.It is time for Conservatives to decide if you are men or a Trump.
Are you a bunch of sissies being told what to do by cowards, or are you Americans?

Then those senators should buy tv time in their states and say they aren’t voting for trump and say why. It would be putting country first. I realize that is a Yuuuge step for most if not all or any politician.

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So, in the privacy of the voting booth, they’ll do the right thing, but in the red-hot glare of publicity, they’ll shut down the judicial and executive appointments process and try to convene spurious BS investigations of political opponents. OK, then.


"I believe, and I’m basing this on some of the things my colleagues have said to me, I believe the majority of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate are not going to vote for Donald Trump,” she told radio host McGraw Milhaven Wednesday on Missouri’s KTRS, as reported by CNN.

God damn it, you are suppose to tie Trump like an anchor around congressional Republicans necks, not help them distance themselves from him. Making excuses for them doesn’t help win us back congress, which is the only way Hillary will be able to accomplish anything as President, fantasies of Republicans’ magically turning their backs on eight years of obstruction not withstanding.

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Kirk and Ayotte are toast, so they’ll pander shamelessly til they have to vacate their Senate offices.

The rest of them will just continue pandering unchecked…

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Great point.

But it’s even worse. Hillary simply meant how laws get passed is like sausage getting made. The process is difficult and complex, and not something you want to talk about extensively publicly. I don’t think Hillary meant lying or misleading the public is somehow acceptable.

These guys/gals are flat out liars and hypocrites.

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Actually, my husband had lunch with several very high ranking Republicans 5-6 years ago. They all said, in their private discussion, that Hillary had been the best secretary of state in decades. However, none of them ever said that publicly. In fact, some of frequently them went out of their way to trash her publicly - it was all part of the political gamesmanship. So, McCaskill may not be too far off in saying that some Rs would like to work with Hillary. But that will depend on what their constituents expect from them. If the constituents want a functioning government, they’ll want cooperation. If they’re Tea Pubs that want to burn it all down, then those Senators won’t do anything to cooperate with her. The bottom line is, for all their blather and bullshit about “leadership,” most politicians follow rather than leading. And, right now, Republicans are especially guilty of this.