Discussion: Civil Rights Groups Incensed By Talk Of Muslim Registry, Internment Camps

Civil rights groups are asking President-elect Donald Trump to swat down discussion among his backers of reinstating a registry of Muslim immigrants

Register guns, not people!

Except to vote.

People I mean.

Guns don’t vote.

Or do they?

The ACLU sent me an email to sign up for a digital conference they are going hold on Dec. 2 about Immigrants’ rights in Texas.

This is how they plan on sneaking the privatization of Medicare and Social Security past the country.
Give everybody a good, big, juicy Social Disaster to fight and rend their clothing about, while passing (and signing into law) the privatization of Medicare and later, during the coming shit-storm over the Roe vs. Wade repeal, the privatization of Social Security in the dead of night with no fanfare.
Bread and Circuses. That is our future.
I’m not saying it is not an important issue to the country, it just isn’t to them.
To them it is just a mis-direction tactic for their real goals; Privatize Medicare and Social Security.
It worked before when they slipped the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act into a must-pass bill at 2AM when no one was looking (but the media were in a lather about IMPEACHMENT.)
The fuckers.

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