Good for him. The judges are starting to get pissed.
That’s why McConnell etc are working so hard to appoint Fascist “conservative” judges. Meanwhile TRussia’s SS is working to ignore the US Law. Maybe they’re waiting for orders from Putin.
Citing Trump Admin Failures, Judge Orders Immigrant Family Reunited
Good. Hope to see much more of this. This whole set of events has given the US an enormous black eye. A completely unforced error.
The Airhead Nordic Babysnatcher is the one named in the suit.
This shit is just plain evil.
Bringing it up again. What is going to happen if Trumpty tells the courts to go piss up a rope?
I’m happy for that one to-be reunited family, but what about the other 2000 or so separated families? When do some of these criminal beaurocrats go to jail or even lose their jobs?
Why not just hand out Contempt of America citations to the entire Trump Mis-Administration, and LOCK THEM UP!
Good to see that Kirstjen is finally getting recognized more and more as an incompetent administrator. Too bad we can’t go after her for FEMA response to PR, but she didn’t get confirmed until Dec. 2017.
Jared would just run from his since he’ll think he is being served paper in a lawsuit.
I’m expecting to hear “Judge Friedman has made his decision, now let him enforce it!” any minute now.
Horrifying. There are no words to adequately describe what a cruel atrocity is being committed in our names. I wish some judge would express that by literally making two or three blank pages a part of his/her decision.
Whenever I read these heartbreaking separation stories, I see an image of Sessions gleefully reading the orders. This is on Trump and it is on Sessions. They have committed what can be described as massive child abuse. Deliberately making policy that involves separating babies under 5 from their parents. At that age, 2 months can seem like a year. I know, I was in a foster home when I was under 5 years old. It seemed like a long, long time. I was surprised when I was older and was told it was only for 2 weeks while my mother was ill.
So what happens when the feds blow through these deadlines as well?
As I posted elsewhere:
The Trump administration has been given far more rope that they deserve.
It is past time that the courts shifted the balance of fair and reasonable (not to mention lawful) treatment (as distinguished from promises) in favor of the immigrants rather than the government.
A righteous anger is building the country, and, I suspect, in the judiciary. It does not bode well for the administration if they aggravate the situation further.
Nordic Babysnatcher - that has a nice ring to it. Hope you don’t mind if I borrow it.
Not soon enough.