Discussion: Cindy McCain Apologizes For Falsely Claiming She Stopped Human Trafficker

I wish this woman and her daughter (the dumb blonde one) would go far, far away.


She has a daughter of a different race so this lack of awareness makes no sense.


Um, for the millionth time, that’s not how this apology thing works.:neutral_face:

Somewhere a mother and her child are awaiting an actual apology.

They probably shouldn’t hold their breath.


this timeline

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Another episode in ‘oh…wypipo!’ (image of person shaking their head with eyes buried in their palms.


Sure, it does if you remember that Republicans have an uncanny inability to put themselves in the shoes of others even when they’ve walked a mile in them. It probably never even popped in her head that maybe the woman she was reporting was also an adoptive parents of a child of a different race. Nope, she put on her cape and was ready to swoop in to save the day.


You have to wonder what goes on in the mind of someone who would make up such a story.


I wonder what fresh hell the Orange Tweeter will make of this???

‘Points’ and increased credibility.

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oh, i see something odd, alright.


Just go away Cindy,
your free ride to infamy passed away a while ago and trying to be relevant includes not being a hypocrite or a wanna be maverick.


Last summer I was in the very small Omaha airport and I saw a large public service poster about stopping human trafficking. Then another, then another. Three in a tiny airport. Me: “I wonder why they put posters about human trafficking up here, of all places?”

Later that month I was in Des Moines and remembered it, and someone said that Des Moines and Omaha have airports and are near I80 and I35, and are key to moving people around the country illegally. It’s a whole infrastructure of evil, right in front of us, in plain sight.


Cindy McCain is “important” because her late husband was a Senator.

Cindy’s late husband was a Senator because he married rich after returning from 5 years in a POW camp.

THUS: If Cindy weren’t rich, John very possibly never would have been in Congress, and nobody would be breathlessly transcribing her every hate-speech.

Just another datapoint.


Now I wonder what would be legitimate warnings signs there might be a problem.


The only one I remember was the first, because it hit me sideways. It said something like “90% of human trafficking results in sexual slavery.” It was shocking and powerful, and If you’re not thinking you are near where that would be relevant, it makes you wonder what’s going on. “Why is this here?” The other two, I don’t recall the content.


I don’t begrudge her asking for a wellness check, but she clearly lied about the outcome on the radio. I mean, that was just stupid. WTF was that even about?


I guess I assume that human trafficking doesn’t happen in airports. It happens in shipping containers, at sea ports, or private jets at small airstrips where the passengers don’t go through the public parade with the unwashed masses.

Folks have to be pretty fucking unimaginative to assume that human traffickers are “smuggling” victims one at a time in the passenger compartment. These post-9/11 comfort-food television shows about stopping terrorists are doing us a huge disservice by painting a cartoonish picture that only a cretin like Donald Trump could take at face value. (Incidentally, Fox has always been a big player in this game.)

“I knew she had been kidnapped to be a sex slave because the man forced her to sit in the window seat and refused to let her have an in-flight meal!”


No, it happens in airports and not always in groups.

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One list of actual signs here. Mostly behavioral things that tell you the person is not in control of his or her life.